Sunday, January 30, 2011

A Lovely Piece of Chaos...

Chandler and Chayce

I am so in love with these babies!! They are so sweet and so good. I really can't complain. Sure their nights and days are a little confused but that has actually been getting a little better. The last two nights we have put them to bed at about 9:30pm they have then woken up at 1:30am which I (mom) try to take that shift. When I hear one baby cry I quickly feed him, burp him and change his diaper. Then I lay him down and pick up and wake up the next baby. (Total time takes about 1 hour) If I am lucky they are not crying at the same time, if they are I have to wake up Chad. I try not to wake Chad so that way he can do the next shift which happens to be around 5:30am or 6:00am. That way Chad gets a full night of uninterrupted sleep. Since I usually have the opportunity to take a nap at some point during the day. This has worked the last two nights...lets see if we can continue this. I like this routine!!!

I LOVE to snuggle both babies at the same time. It gets a little tricky but their is nothing like two sleeping, warm babies cuddled on top of you.

Mom, babies and Tyler

These little guys are LOVED by their older siblings. It is so sweet to see the older kids love them, talk in high voices to them and take care of them and their other baby brother Nicholas.

Dad, Babies and Nicholas

Then it gets a little crazy!!! Nicholas is starting to have a hard time. Which makes me so sad. He is the sweetest little guy and I hate to see him sad. This is often h0w he is, either hanging on Chad or my leg. It is definitely a balancing act, making sure everyone feels enough love and attention. The kids are demanding right now, I guess they are just trying to find their place. I was told by someone that they see it as "A Lovely Piece of Chaos". I would have to agree and wouldn't change a thing!

Some Dad time

Sad little Nicholas wanting some Dad time

This is one way we keep the babies safe. Nicholas wants in there so bad. His "playtime" with the babies will come soon enough and for the rest of his life.
and a Lovely Piece of Chaos

Sunday, January 23, 2011

We'll miss you!

My niece Jonni came from Colorado to help me for a week with the babies. She has been wonderful and will be missed so much. She played with Nicholas, took him in and out of his crib and high chair since I can't lift anything over 15 pounds until I get my doctor's approval and Nicholas is a hefty 28 pounds. I think Nicholas will miss her most, he thought she was his personal play mate and would get jealous when she would hold a baby. Not me, he never got jealous of me holding one, just Jonni!Nicholas and my nephew Jackson just before Jackson left for the MTC on Wednesday!



"The Brothers"
(this is what Max calls them)

Sunday, January 16, 2011

8 is great 9 is divine!!!

8 is great 9 is DIVINE!!!
This is a date I will never forget. What a lucky day to have two healthy baby boys. What a sweet experience this was. I am overwhelmed at the love I have for these two babies. What an amazing blessing it is in our home. I was able to get a Priesthood blessing the night before that was beautiful! It help to calm my nerves. I was so nervous to have a C-Section but it ended up being okay. When I went in they did an ultra sound and baby A was still breech but baby B was now transverse (sideways) so there was no other way than by c-section to have these babies. Baby A was 6 pounds and Baby B was 6 pounds 1 ounce. It is such a blessing to have them here, healthy. No NICU, no tubes, no oxygen just two healthy baby boys.
Signing all of the paper work, permissions etc.

Chad ready to go in his sterile gear. Getting ready for my C-Section

Chandler and Chayce

Right after Surgery. Dr. Hansen is the greatest. What a blessing to have such a great doctor who cares about me, my family and my sweet little boys.
I finally get to hold these two. What a sweet, sweet moment.

Big sisters, Raegan and Kalli with Baby A and Baby B

My friend Robyn who came to see us after work that evening. She kept an eye on things to make sure I was being looked after. She is a nurse. I love Robyn, what a blessing she is!!

The kids except for Max and Nicholas got to come up and meet their two new brothers.

Grandma Sharon with Chayce and Chandler

Aunt Stacey came to see us too.

My visiting teacher and friend Lisa came up one night and brought my girls with her. Lisa has been a huge blessing to me and my family!!

My best friend from high school, Stephanie and her husband Scott came on Friday night.

Getting Chayce and Chandler ready to go home.

Look at my three babies!!! They could be triplets! Ha Ha

Daddy was able to sneak home during his meetings on Sunday to come and snuggle with these two boys.

Monday, January 10, 2011

The Moo Moo

Here is the famous Red Moo Moo. My family will miss this so much. I love it, it is comfortable and loose.
It makes me look like a cow but I don't care.

I am 37 1/2 weeks. I can't wait to welcome these babies. This has been quite a ride...I have loved it!

Strike a Pose!
(Look at that belly)
Gotta love the Moo Moo!!!

Sunday, January 9, 2011

Essentials Shower

We had an "Essentials" Baby shower. It was so much fun. Our friends the Ellis threw us a "couples, come and go and wish the Kerby's well" party. We had a great turn out from our ward members. I felt so blessed to be surrounded by such great people.

Chad wasn't sure about being at a baby shower but when all of the other men started showing up he decided that it was A-OK!

Some of the men hanging out in the sun room.

One lady made these adorable baby quilts, this is the front and the back, they are pieced quilts with beautiful quilting. We also received diapers, wipes, baby bath stuff, baby towels, blankets, baby detergent, booties, onsies and a ton of hugs!

We didn't just get essentials, we also got a few little out fits and I even received some fun bath and body stuff for me.

Robyn, Karen and I

I am surrounded by kind, generous people...I feel so blessed!

What a day

I was not prepared for the many feelings and emotions that over came today at church. So many things were going through my mind...This is my last Sunday that I can attend church for a long time...Will these babies be healthy...Will I recover as quickly as I am wanting too...I love my kids and I am going to miss sitting by them in Sacrement Meeting...Will I hurt...Can I do everything that is expected of me...Do I have too high of expectations??? Looking around at all of the great people who surround me, feeling so blessed and so loved I could not help but have the tears flowing. Then to sit in Relief Society and hear the sweet woman who said the closing prayer bless me and these babies specifically...I lost it! I could no longer contain composure. I have been so blessed this pregnancy. I haven't swelled, I have felt great, no bed rest, the ability to still be an activily involved mother, the blessings are endless. I have loved being pregnant with these boys. I am sad to see it end but am so excited for the beginning.
This past weekend my friends had an "Essentials" shower for me. It was great and the turnout was awesome! I received so many diapers, wipes, towels, baby bath items, etc. I haven't had a shower since I was pregnant with my first child...this one was so different. I appreciated it on such a different level. What a blessing it is to be surrounded by such caring compassionate people. My heart is full. I am happy. I am scared. I am nervous. I am excited.

Tuesday, January 4, 2011

Getting Nervous

Today I had another ultra sound. It's so hard to see the babies because they are so squished in there. According to the measurements it looks like both babies are about 6 pounds 8 ounces. And guess what...Baby A is still breech! Sigh...Baby B is head down but that does not do me any good. So a c-section has been scheduled unless Baby A suddenly decides to turn. I am really nervous. Not sure what to think. I hope and pray that both babies are healthy and strong. I hope that I can recover very quickly so I can be available for all of my children. I worry about Chad. He is a pleaser and will try to spread himself out too thin. Trying to be there for the children, for me, for work, for my mom and for our ward. I hope he can handle all that is to come. He is amazing and I know he can handle it all...I just worry. Will I be able to ask for help? That is not a strong point I have. I like to think that I can handle everything and maybe I will be able to. Wow, I was not prepared for the flood of emotions I have been feeling since my appointment. I have enjoyed this pregnancy for the most part. It makes me a little sad to think that it will be over soon. I know, silly thought huh?! I am so excited to meet these two little guys. Life as we know it will be different. I hope and pray that Heavenly Father gives me the strength to handle all that is to come.
Life Is Good!