Tuesday, January 4, 2011

Getting Nervous

Today I had another ultra sound. It's so hard to see the babies because they are so squished in there. According to the measurements it looks like both babies are about 6 pounds 8 ounces. And guess what...Baby A is still breech! Sigh...Baby B is head down but that does not do me any good. So a c-section has been scheduled unless Baby A suddenly decides to turn. I am really nervous. Not sure what to think. I hope and pray that both babies are healthy and strong. I hope that I can recover very quickly so I can be available for all of my children. I worry about Chad. He is a pleaser and will try to spread himself out too thin. Trying to be there for the children, for me, for work, for my mom and for our ward. I hope he can handle all that is to come. He is amazing and I know he can handle it all...I just worry. Will I be able to ask for help? That is not a strong point I have. I like to think that I can handle everything and maybe I will be able to. Wow, I was not prepared for the flood of emotions I have been feeling since my appointment. I have enjoyed this pregnancy for the most part. It makes me a little sad to think that it will be over soon. I know, silly thought huh?! I am so excited to meet these two little guys. Life as we know it will be different. I hope and pray that Heavenly Father gives me the strength to handle all that is to come.
Life Is Good!


  1. Well you can take mom off of Chads plate. Jake is there now and he can help out. All will be fine. Just hang in there it is only a few more days!

  2. He will give you strength. He will.

  3. I am sure you are extremely capable, but it is not a sign of weakness to ask for help. You will be giving others the much-desired opportunity to serve. Later on, you can pay it forward somewhere else.

    You can do this! Good luck!
