Sunday, January 9, 2011

Essentials Shower

We had an "Essentials" Baby shower. It was so much fun. Our friends the Ellis threw us a "couples, come and go and wish the Kerby's well" party. We had a great turn out from our ward members. I felt so blessed to be surrounded by such great people.

Chad wasn't sure about being at a baby shower but when all of the other men started showing up he decided that it was A-OK!

Some of the men hanging out in the sun room.

One lady made these adorable baby quilts, this is the front and the back, they are pieced quilts with beautiful quilting. We also received diapers, wipes, baby bath stuff, baby towels, blankets, baby detergent, booties, onsies and a ton of hugs!

We didn't just get essentials, we also got a few little out fits and I even received some fun bath and body stuff for me.

Robyn, Karen and I

I am surrounded by kind, generous people...I feel so blessed!

1 comment:

  1. What an awesome thing they did for you Cassie! You are an incredible woman, and that is evidenced by the love and support you have received from everyone! :) You deserve this! Oh- and I love your hair look FABULOUS with these babies!
