Sunday, January 16, 2011

8 is great 9 is divine!!!

8 is great 9 is DIVINE!!!
This is a date I will never forget. What a lucky day to have two healthy baby boys. What a sweet experience this was. I am overwhelmed at the love I have for these two babies. What an amazing blessing it is in our home. I was able to get a Priesthood blessing the night before that was beautiful! It help to calm my nerves. I was so nervous to have a C-Section but it ended up being okay. When I went in they did an ultra sound and baby A was still breech but baby B was now transverse (sideways) so there was no other way than by c-section to have these babies. Baby A was 6 pounds and Baby B was 6 pounds 1 ounce. It is such a blessing to have them here, healthy. No NICU, no tubes, no oxygen just two healthy baby boys.
Signing all of the paper work, permissions etc.

Chad ready to go in his sterile gear. Getting ready for my C-Section

Chandler and Chayce

Right after Surgery. Dr. Hansen is the greatest. What a blessing to have such a great doctor who cares about me, my family and my sweet little boys.
I finally get to hold these two. What a sweet, sweet moment.

Big sisters, Raegan and Kalli with Baby A and Baby B

My friend Robyn who came to see us after work that evening. She kept an eye on things to make sure I was being looked after. She is a nurse. I love Robyn, what a blessing she is!!

The kids except for Max and Nicholas got to come up and meet their two new brothers.

Grandma Sharon with Chayce and Chandler

Aunt Stacey came to see us too.

My visiting teacher and friend Lisa came up one night and brought my girls with her. Lisa has been a huge blessing to me and my family!!

My best friend from high school, Stephanie and her husband Scott came on Friday night.

Getting Chayce and Chandler ready to go home.

Look at my three babies!!! They could be triplets! Ha Ha

Daddy was able to sneak home during his meetings on Sunday to come and snuggle with these two boys.


  1. So glad everything went great for you, Cass. They are so beautiful and perfect! It looks like you are surrounded by some incredible people, you deserve it. I love the pic of your "triplets". :) Congratulations again!! Love, Stephanie

  2. All I can say is "WOW WOW WOW!"

  3. Congratulation Cassie and Chad! They are adorabke!!!

    Love you,

  4. they are beautiful! im so glad they are healthy!!!

  5. congrats!! they are adorable. hope you heal very quickly!
