Sunday, January 9, 2011

What a day

I was not prepared for the many feelings and emotions that over came today at church. So many things were going through my mind...This is my last Sunday that I can attend church for a long time...Will these babies be healthy...Will I recover as quickly as I am wanting too...I love my kids and I am going to miss sitting by them in Sacrement Meeting...Will I hurt...Can I do everything that is expected of me...Do I have too high of expectations??? Looking around at all of the great people who surround me, feeling so blessed and so loved I could not help but have the tears flowing. Then to sit in Relief Society and hear the sweet woman who said the closing prayer bless me and these babies specifically...I lost it! I could no longer contain composure. I have been so blessed this pregnancy. I haven't swelled, I have felt great, no bed rest, the ability to still be an activily involved mother, the blessings are endless. I have loved being pregnant with these boys. I am sad to see it end but am so excited for the beginning.
This past weekend my friends had an "Essentials" shower for me. It was great and the turnout was awesome! I received so many diapers, wipes, towels, baby bath items, etc. I haven't had a shower since I was pregnant with my first child...this one was so different. I appreciated it on such a different level. What a blessing it is to be surrounded by such caring compassionate people. My heart is full. I am happy. I am scared. I am nervous. I am excited.

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