Friday, January 18, 2013


Do you ever have days that are just...poop!  I look like poop, my hands constantly smell like poop, I have already just today by noon  changed 5 poopy diapers, so my house looks like poop and smells like poop. Days where there is Peanut Butter on your computer keyboard and your big behemoth of a car gets stuck on the ice that is about 4 inches thick on your driveway and when you do get it out it gets stuck in the elementary school parking lot and there they are again...the looks. "Not sure what to say but I am so happy I am not you, love you though".  I am feeling very overwhelmed thses days.  My house is shrinking and my kids are growing.  I am feeling like "the little old lady who lived in a shoe".  There is no where for big kids to go for privacy or little kids to go for naps.  I have no place for any "me time" and by that I mean to change my clothes and go potty.  I was told when I was in my youth that in times of feeling unappreatiated and overwhelmed to go and "count my blessings".  Sigh.  This is one of those times.  I know I have been blessed.  I continue to be blessed. I can't believe how much I have been blessed. But it's hard.  Life is hard.  Kids are hard.  Mothering is hard. But it's all good...really it is.  I pride myself on being positive and optimistic.  Just not today.  Today is a sad, feeling sorry for myself kind of day. A day with lots of tears for no reason. I am not sure what Heavenly Father plans for me or when.  But I do feel something really good is on the horizon...but good things are happening now, every day.  I am feeling unsettled and that usually means something is looming and it's up to me to open my heart, quit pouting and let it in.  Just not I am frumpy, dumpy and sad and that is going to have to be ok.  

1 comment:

  1. *hugs* I can completely sympathize (on a much smaller scale). Hopefully tomorrow is better for you!
