Tuesday, December 28, 2010

Feet First

Today I had another Doctor's appointment. Everything still looks great. No ultrasound today. I will have one for sure next week so we can see weather or not to schedule a c-section or a regular delivery. I hate to say "natural" delivery because I am not sure what that means. I am a BIG BELIEVER in pain medication. Yes I will have an Epidural, in fact I will walk in and request one before they even get my insurance information. To me that is a "natural" birth. It seems "natural" that one would request pain medication when there are two human beings about to come out of a very small place.

Any way both babies are still breech. Sigh. The doctor checked me and I am at a 1 which doesn't surprise me, I have never dialated on my own to anything larger than a 1. He also informed me that he could feel feet, I know kind of strange huh? So Baby A is definitely breech right now. Next week will be a big appointment. I can't wait to see these guys on ultra sound again and get an estimate on what they weigh and their size.

As for me, I am large. Not swelling yet which is awesome. The doctor kept poking me in unbelief of my lack of swelling, he told me to count my blessings...and believe me I have been! My back is hurting more and I am having a terrible time sleeping. But I am healthy and feeling pretty good. That right there is a blessing. Another blessing is one year ago today I delivered a healthy 8 pounds 2 ounce baby boy who has brought so much joy in my life. He is such a happy, special little guy who I think knew all along what was coming...It was crazy to be at the doctor's office today talking about scheduling the delivery of these two buddies on my babies first birthday.
Life is good and definitely unpredictable.

Friday, December 24, 2010

35 Weeks

This is the black sweat outfit that I wear almost daily because it is one of the few things I own that fit! And it barely does, the pants and the jacket no longer meet in the middle.

I can't believe that I have made it this far. Not sure how far I thought I would make it but it just seems crazy to think that I am still so up and around without any problems at this point. What a blessing!
I am now officially 35 weeks. I had a friend tell me that when I would get to this point that people would quit looking at my face and only stare at my belly...she was right!

Oh my aching back!
Look at that belly...It's huge!!!

Wednesday, December 22, 2010


It is early in the morning. I have been up since 4:00am and I cannot sleep. It stinks! In a couple of hours I will be dragging and needing a nap. And my sweet husband will insist that I take one in the middle of all of the morning craziness.
I love him.

It's almost Christmas. It is in three days and my kids are so excited. So am I. It is the next big event before these babies come. After Christmas I have my baby's one year old birthday and then New Years. Then it's time. The long awaited arrival of the two little buddies that we are so excited about. I went to see my doctor yesterday, he is amazed at my lack of swelling and how well I am doing. I am so grateful to have done so well especially during the holiday season. I am getting more and more sore. Like these babies are getting heavier and really pushing down on my lower muscles. I feel like I have been to the gym, worked out and then attempted to do the splits all without stretching out but that is only when I stand or try to walk, sitting is usually pretty ok.

I will receive another ultra sound the first of January to determine weather or not we will schedule a c-section or a regular delivery. I have mixed feelings. Part of me gets nervous thinking about having to birth two babies not knowing the position of the cord, etc. But then to think about the recovery of a c-section when I have so many responsibilities and never had to have one sounds very unfun. I guess it is not in my hands. I will do whatever is absolutely best for these babies.

I am starting to get tired. The sun is starting to slowly appear which means the kiddos will be waking. Time for my morning nap.

Wednesday, December 15, 2010

One Big Blob

I am a blob. Yes a blob. I no longer clean, I rarely cook a decent meal. All I want to do is sleep or rest. These babies are definitely taking their toll on their mama. My bones ache, my back hurts. The babies are so low that my tail bone constantly aches and I always feel like I have to go potty...yes potty. I am so grateful that these babies are not in my ribs or up in my lungs like I had been warned about. I have asthma and I have NEVER been pregnant without coming down with pneumonia or bronchitis at least once during my pregnancy...talk about a HUGE blessing, I have stayed so healthy this pregnancy, not even a cold have I suffered with. I am so grateful that I have felt so great up until this point, which I still fell pretty good considering I am carrying two babies. I am still sleeping pretty good through the night which I find as a HUGE blessing.

Getting my Christmas shopping done has been another HUGE blessing. I go and go and go until my back cannot stand it any more and then I pay for it the next day by being exhausted. That is how I work. I would go NUTS if I was on bed rest...I don't rest well. I nap well but I don't rest well. But for the next three weeks or so (yes can you believe that we are on that short of a count down) I will have to take it easy. My body is telling me too. And I have to start listening. I don't want these babies to come any earlier than necessary. I am getting more and more nervous and excited for them. Yikes, I have never had such mixed feelings before, so much of the unknown is ahead. And if you know me very well I am not a very patient person, I want to see my future, NOW! It's nice to have Christmas to distract me as well as my baby Nicholas' first birthday three days later. Wow, what a great holiday season for our family. I feel so blessed.

Tuesday, December 7, 2010

Photo Shoot

Here is a picture of their two little round heads right next to each other...Breech!

Today I had a doctor's appointment as well as an ultrasound. The babies look great! They believe that one is 4 pounds 10 oz and the other is 4 pounds 11 oz. The only disappointing part of this appointment is that they are both breech. I was so bummed. The chances of them turning at this point is about 10 percent. My doctor said that it is extremely difficult to turn twins, they have to turn on their own and since they are already so big it won't likely happen. Oh but I pray it does!!!!

This might be difficult to see but I can see it clear as day, here is Baby B's cute little face. He is already getting little chubby cheeks. So cute!

And the most amazing picture...They both have hair! My babies are always bald! Seriously I thought this was crazy, but there you can see it on top of their little heads...Hair!

It was a great appointment. The nurses and doctor are amazed that I am doing so great. I don't go and see him for another two weeks. I am so grateful that everything has gone so well, I hope it continues to go well. You know what another great thing is??? I have only gained 19 pounds! Granted I had weight to loose before this pregnancy but I am thrilled since 10 pounds of that is all baby.
I am exhausted, I need a nap.
Until next time...Good night!

Saturday, December 4, 2010

32 weeks BIG

Here I am at 32 weeks. Wowzers! As Chad was taking this picture he kept saying..."WOW" not sure what to think of his "WOW" but I am going to take it as a compliment!
Just in the last week I think I have grown significantly. My skin doesn't feel like it could possibly stretch any more. My back is aching all of the time, I can only stand for a few minutes before I have to sit down.
I am anxious for this week. I get another ultra sound to see if BABY A is still breech or if he has decided to turn...please pray that he has turned. I am so scared that I will have to have a c-section and I don't want to. I have delivered all of my babies the old fashioned way (with an epidural...of course) so if I can avoid a c-section this time I would be thrilled. So please pray for me that Baby A is going to cooperate.

Tyler was mocking me as I was trying to get a picture taken, he was trying to push out his tummy as much as mine. I don't think he even got close.

Thursday, December 2, 2010

Better Days

My last post was pretty pathetic. I can be pretty pathetic. Sorry about that! In just the last five days my belly has grown, significantly! The black sweat outfit that I wear almost daily is no longer providing full coverage. I am constantly yanking on the top or pulling up the pants hoping that they meet in the middle. It's not happening, but I refuse to buy any maternity clothing at this point. I only have approximately four weeks left and sorry folks my belly might be showing a little more than anyone would like to see. My husband is amazed at the size of my stomach. He says things like "WOW how in the world can that get any bigger?" or "Holy Cow (my favorite) your belly is HUGE". I just hope that he continues to feel helpless and keeps rubbing my feet every night.

Yesterday I spent the afternoon up at the Festival of Trees with my mom. What this is is a huge conference center full of decorated trees, gingerbread houses, wreaths and other things benefiting the Primary Children's Hospital. People or companies then bid on these amazing, heart felt works of art and all of the money raised goes to the Hospital. It's a great tradition and can sure put you in the Christmas spirit. Which I have needed these days. Anyway, it's huge and you just walk up and down these isles on concrete floors. Oh my breaking back! I made it most of the way but for a few I had to find me a chair and just people watch. It was so nice to get out! To be able to get out of my house and have a reason to shower and get ready for the day. It was a nice afternoon with my mom, my aunt and my cousin. Just what I needed.