Tuesday, December 28, 2010

Feet First

Today I had another Doctor's appointment. Everything still looks great. No ultrasound today. I will have one for sure next week so we can see weather or not to schedule a c-section or a regular delivery. I hate to say "natural" delivery because I am not sure what that means. I am a BIG BELIEVER in pain medication. Yes I will have an Epidural, in fact I will walk in and request one before they even get my insurance information. To me that is a "natural" birth. It seems "natural" that one would request pain medication when there are two human beings about to come out of a very small place.

Any way both babies are still breech. Sigh. The doctor checked me and I am at a 1 which doesn't surprise me, I have never dialated on my own to anything larger than a 1. He also informed me that he could feel feet, I know kind of strange huh? So Baby A is definitely breech right now. Next week will be a big appointment. I can't wait to see these guys on ultra sound again and get an estimate on what they weigh and their size.

As for me, I am large. Not swelling yet which is awesome. The doctor kept poking me in unbelief of my lack of swelling, he told me to count my blessings...and believe me I have been! My back is hurting more and I am having a terrible time sleeping. But I am healthy and feeling pretty good. That right there is a blessing. Another blessing is one year ago today I delivered a healthy 8 pounds 2 ounce baby boy who has brought so much joy in my life. He is such a happy, special little guy who I think knew all along what was coming...It was crazy to be at the doctor's office today talking about scheduling the delivery of these two buddies on my babies first birthday.
Life is good and definitely unpredictable.

Friday, December 24, 2010

35 Weeks

This is the black sweat outfit that I wear almost daily because it is one of the few things I own that fit! And it barely does, the pants and the jacket no longer meet in the middle.

I can't believe that I have made it this far. Not sure how far I thought I would make it but it just seems crazy to think that I am still so up and around without any problems at this point. What a blessing!
I am now officially 35 weeks. I had a friend tell me that when I would get to this point that people would quit looking at my face and only stare at my belly...she was right!

Oh my aching back!
Look at that belly...It's huge!!!

Wednesday, December 22, 2010


It is early in the morning. I have been up since 4:00am and I cannot sleep. It stinks! In a couple of hours I will be dragging and needing a nap. And my sweet husband will insist that I take one in the middle of all of the morning craziness.
I love him.

It's almost Christmas. It is in three days and my kids are so excited. So am I. It is the next big event before these babies come. After Christmas I have my baby's one year old birthday and then New Years. Then it's time. The long awaited arrival of the two little buddies that we are so excited about. I went to see my doctor yesterday, he is amazed at my lack of swelling and how well I am doing. I am so grateful to have done so well especially during the holiday season. I am getting more and more sore. Like these babies are getting heavier and really pushing down on my lower muscles. I feel like I have been to the gym, worked out and then attempted to do the splits all without stretching out but that is only when I stand or try to walk, sitting is usually pretty ok.

I will receive another ultra sound the first of January to determine weather or not we will schedule a c-section or a regular delivery. I have mixed feelings. Part of me gets nervous thinking about having to birth two babies not knowing the position of the cord, etc. But then to think about the recovery of a c-section when I have so many responsibilities and never had to have one sounds very unfun. I guess it is not in my hands. I will do whatever is absolutely best for these babies.

I am starting to get tired. The sun is starting to slowly appear which means the kiddos will be waking. Time for my morning nap.

Wednesday, December 15, 2010

One Big Blob

I am a blob. Yes a blob. I no longer clean, I rarely cook a decent meal. All I want to do is sleep or rest. These babies are definitely taking their toll on their mama. My bones ache, my back hurts. The babies are so low that my tail bone constantly aches and I always feel like I have to go potty...yes potty. I am so grateful that these babies are not in my ribs or up in my lungs like I had been warned about. I have asthma and I have NEVER been pregnant without coming down with pneumonia or bronchitis at least once during my pregnancy...talk about a HUGE blessing, I have stayed so healthy this pregnancy, not even a cold have I suffered with. I am so grateful that I have felt so great up until this point, which I still fell pretty good considering I am carrying two babies. I am still sleeping pretty good through the night which I find as a HUGE blessing.

Getting my Christmas shopping done has been another HUGE blessing. I go and go and go until my back cannot stand it any more and then I pay for it the next day by being exhausted. That is how I work. I would go NUTS if I was on bed rest...I don't rest well. I nap well but I don't rest well. But for the next three weeks or so (yes can you believe that we are on that short of a count down) I will have to take it easy. My body is telling me too. And I have to start listening. I don't want these babies to come any earlier than necessary. I am getting more and more nervous and excited for them. Yikes, I have never had such mixed feelings before, so much of the unknown is ahead. And if you know me very well I am not a very patient person, I want to see my future, NOW! It's nice to have Christmas to distract me as well as my baby Nicholas' first birthday three days later. Wow, what a great holiday season for our family. I feel so blessed.

Tuesday, December 7, 2010

Photo Shoot

Here is a picture of their two little round heads right next to each other...Breech!

Today I had a doctor's appointment as well as an ultrasound. The babies look great! They believe that one is 4 pounds 10 oz and the other is 4 pounds 11 oz. The only disappointing part of this appointment is that they are both breech. I was so bummed. The chances of them turning at this point is about 10 percent. My doctor said that it is extremely difficult to turn twins, they have to turn on their own and since they are already so big it won't likely happen. Oh but I pray it does!!!!

This might be difficult to see but I can see it clear as day, here is Baby B's cute little face. He is already getting little chubby cheeks. So cute!

And the most amazing picture...They both have hair! My babies are always bald! Seriously I thought this was crazy, but there you can see it on top of their little heads...Hair!

It was a great appointment. The nurses and doctor are amazed that I am doing so great. I don't go and see him for another two weeks. I am so grateful that everything has gone so well, I hope it continues to go well. You know what another great thing is??? I have only gained 19 pounds! Granted I had weight to loose before this pregnancy but I am thrilled since 10 pounds of that is all baby.
I am exhausted, I need a nap.
Until next time...Good night!

Saturday, December 4, 2010

32 weeks BIG

Here I am at 32 weeks. Wowzers! As Chad was taking this picture he kept saying..."WOW" not sure what to think of his "WOW" but I am going to take it as a compliment!
Just in the last week I think I have grown significantly. My skin doesn't feel like it could possibly stretch any more. My back is aching all of the time, I can only stand for a few minutes before I have to sit down.
I am anxious for this week. I get another ultra sound to see if BABY A is still breech or if he has decided to turn...please pray that he has turned. I am so scared that I will have to have a c-section and I don't want to. I have delivered all of my babies the old fashioned way (with an epidural...of course) so if I can avoid a c-section this time I would be thrilled. So please pray for me that Baby A is going to cooperate.

Tyler was mocking me as I was trying to get a picture taken, he was trying to push out his tummy as much as mine. I don't think he even got close.

Thursday, December 2, 2010

Better Days

My last post was pretty pathetic. I can be pretty pathetic. Sorry about that! In just the last five days my belly has grown, significantly! The black sweat outfit that I wear almost daily is no longer providing full coverage. I am constantly yanking on the top or pulling up the pants hoping that they meet in the middle. It's not happening, but I refuse to buy any maternity clothing at this point. I only have approximately four weeks left and sorry folks my belly might be showing a little more than anyone would like to see. My husband is amazed at the size of my stomach. He says things like "WOW how in the world can that get any bigger?" or "Holy Cow (my favorite) your belly is HUGE". I just hope that he continues to feel helpless and keeps rubbing my feet every night.

Yesterday I spent the afternoon up at the Festival of Trees with my mom. What this is is a huge conference center full of decorated trees, gingerbread houses, wreaths and other things benefiting the Primary Children's Hospital. People or companies then bid on these amazing, heart felt works of art and all of the money raised goes to the Hospital. It's a great tradition and can sure put you in the Christmas spirit. Which I have needed these days. Anyway, it's huge and you just walk up and down these isles on concrete floors. Oh my breaking back! I made it most of the way but for a few I had to find me a chair and just people watch. It was so nice to get out! To be able to get out of my house and have a reason to shower and get ready for the day. It was a nice afternoon with my mom, my aunt and my cousin. Just what I needed.

Sunday, November 28, 2010

Feeling it...

Ok I think my good days are behind me. I am big, heavy and tired. I no longer feel like I am only pregnant but now I feel like there are actually two in there. I waddle and groan. It's not pretty. I am not pretty. I am feeling lots and lots of movement, sometimes I feel hiccups in odd places...don't ask. I feel like I ate a huge thanksgiving dinner every second of the day, you know that oh so full feeling, yes that is what I feel. My stomach keeps tightening up, not consistantly but it's uncomfortable. Sleeping is not fun. Walking is not fun. Standing is not fun. Eating is not fun. What is fun you ask??? Sitting and watching my cute kiddos playing in the snow together, that is fun. Thinking about these two little boys coming to my family that is fun (scary) but fun. Sitting on the floor and letting my baby Nicholas climb all over me and giving me loves...That is Fun!!! Knowing that this too shall pass...That is fun! I am so sorry to complain, I really have so much to be grateful for. Just thought I would keep it real for a moment.
Life is Good!

Wednesday, November 24, 2010

30 weeks and counting

Nicholas hanging on to my belly, obviously wanting me to pick him up. My belly looks a little funny, kind of like a shelf. Looking at this picture kind of freaks me out, how in the world am I going to manage this amazing little guy as well as two newborns??

Yesterday I had another doctor's appointment. He is so pleased and a little surprised at how well I am doing. I feel really good, no contractions and still busy on my feet. He measured my ever growing belly and said that I am measuring as if I am 37 weeks with a single baby. So since I have two babies and am 30 weeks I guess I am pretty much measuring right on. He also listened to the heart beats and they both sounded great. My next appointment I get to have an ultra sound. I love those days!

I have been getting a little more stressed with the holidays coming and all that I have to prepare for. Besides Christmas for seven children I have two babies coming two weeks later...YIKES! Though I do feel so blessed!!! We did go to Kid to Kid, which is a second hand children store and found another car seat. It's great! The condition is amazing, it doesn't even look used. The same car seat retails for $160.00 and I was able to get it for $34.99! I was thrilled. So now we just need to move Nicholas out of his car seat, which we will do as soon as he turns one...sniff sniff that makes me sad because he sleeps so well in it but he is just getting too heavy for me to carry him in it. We do have a few more purchases to make before the babies get here. I just hope I continue to feel this good until all of my preparations are complete
(will I ever be fully prepared???)

Happy Happy Thanksgiving to All!!!

Thursday, November 18, 2010

Feeling great!!!

I have had nothing to post for a while. My mom informed me that I needed to update my baby blog and my family blog. My camera has been in the shop for quite some time and I just got word that it is being shipped to me. Yeah!!! I miss my camera. So hopefully I will update more frequently especially my family blog since I don't take many picture of myself on this blog...You are welcome! But I think I will take one of me at 30 weeks (which is actually tomorrow) so probably 30 weeks and a couple of days.

I am feeling great! Seriously I feel really good. It is crazy. I keep thinking that this can't be right. I shouldn't feel so good. I am not swelling yet, I have energy, I am still sleeping at night (with the help of Tylenol PM of course). I keep thinking that I should be bigger (don't get me wrong I am quite big) and more miserable than I am. I love it! Really though I am one of those people who do like being pregnant. I like my hair, the way I feel and my clothes way better when I am pregnant than when I am not...I know strange. But since I am 30 weeks now I only have about six/seven weeks left. I can't believe it. I hope I continue to feel this great for the last few weeks. I really want to enjoy the holidays with my kids. I am feeling quite heavy and standing for any period of time is uncomfortable, but I am ok...really I am feeling really good. What I am NOT looking forward to is the after baby body...Yuck! I hate that time, when you feel so frumpy and yucky and your skin breaks out and you (me) has dark circles around my eyes and my hair looks gross because I forget how to do it. Not a pretty time for me, especially the whole weight loss part...I HATE constantly worrying about that! I am surrounded by skinny, in shape people who love to exercise and run (yuck on the running). Seriously I didn't know so many healthy enthusiast existed in one small area but they do and they are all in my ward/neighborhood, so it's hard to be the fat one. I know I will have my excuse of having twins but still it would be nice if there were a few like me around...surely there are people out there who still bake and enjoy their brownies. But on a happier note, I have only gained 15 pounds...woo hoo! That is great! Granted I started out heavier this pregnancy because it was so close to my other pregnancy but 15 pounds is great. If I can keep my weight down than hopefully that dreaded, awful time of loosing weight may come easier. (ya right, who am I kidding) Give me credit for wishful thinking. Any how I am going to enjoy these next few weeks and continue to get excited for the expansion of our family. Happy Happy Holidays!!!

Tuesday, November 9, 2010

Chuggin along...

Today I had another ultra sound. I love theses days. The Ultra sound techs tell me that my babies look perfect! Baby A is 2 pounds 14 oz and Baby B is 2 pounds 13 oz. so almost three pounds each...that is great! They both look great, Baby A is breech right now so we do need him to turn around and head south here pretty soon. The goal is to get through the holidays and not deliver until January. My next ultrasound is in four weeks and my next doctor appointment is in two weeks. Then we will be seeing each other every week to make sure I do not start preterm labor. I can't believe how quickly time is flying.

On my way home from the doctor's today I did stop by Kohls and found two baby blankets that were too cute. They were my first twin baby purchase. Well unless you count the monster of a vehicle we just got over the weekend. Yup, we finally did it. We got the 12 passenger van we have talked about getting for years. Only I didn't think we actually would get one but the time has come and since we will be a family of 11 the van was a must. My kids love it and have affectionately named her "Rosey". It is nice to finally feel responsible for each child having their very own seat and seat belt. I imagine that we will have many wonderful family memories in this van and we are all so excited for our first road trip, hopefully in the spring. "Rosey"

Time is winding down, I still have a few weeks ahead of me but I am closing in. It's exciting, emotional and nerve wracking. I can't help but get teary eyed thinking of these two little guys waiting to join the crazy family that awaits them. We are all so excited and even though I have a baby I am more than over joyed to bring two more home. It's strange but I am already feeling like they are here. Their presence is already felt in a strange way, it will just be a natural welcome for them to come home, like they have been missing and now they are where they are supposed to be.
Now if we can figure out where everyone is going to sleep that would be awesome!
Life is Good!

Thursday, November 4, 2010

What a day...

Yesterday as I was driving I suddenly felt a sharp pain go from my right side down to my toes. I had never felt this before. The rest of the day the pain never really went away. Last night I took my two tylenol pm's and tried to relax and go to sleep. The pain kept getting worse and worse. I was up most of the night with a full belly contraction that just wouldn't let up...I was miserable! As soon as I could I called my doctor to let him know what was going on, he informed me that I needed to see him right away. Thankfully Max was at preschool and my mom was home and more than willing to watch Nicholas (my mom has been so much help, I am really grateful she is close by). I made the 50 minute drive to the hospital and sure enough my contractions were about 6 minutes apart consistently and my belly was so sore, it felt like I had been punched and kicked and was now bruised. He checked me and luckily I was not dilating yet. The labor and delivery nurses put me on monitors, which is extremely tricky with two heart beats. What the doctor thinks happened is that yesterday I pulled a muscle in my belly (the bruised feeling and the pain I felt while driving) and for some reason that sent me into contractions. They gave me medication to stop the contractions, a steroid shot to boost the babies lungs (I have to get another one tomorrow) just in case I do deliver early, another pill for an infection that was starting and a whole lot of monitoring. He wondered why I waited all through the night to come in, well who knew that driving a car could pull a muscle (does that tell you what kind of shape I am in) which could start contractions. Crazy. So he sent me home after a few hours and made me promise to lie down and be on bedrest until I see him tomorrow. On a side note can I just tell you what an amazing husband I have...Chad has had so much on his plate and yet he just comes home sends me to bed and takes over as mr. amazing dad!!! I love him and pray for him to have so much success. I know at some point our life will slow down and we will enjoy the "dull moments". I am just so happy that they were able to get my contractions to stop because we want these babies to stay in there at least for 7 more weeks...at least!

Wednesday, November 3, 2010

Getting Organized...Not!!

Well now with the new twin clothes I have, I have had the desire to get myself organized. This is not happening as quickly as I would like. See we have every room in our home occupied and with that we have lots of dressers. Well not everyone's dresser is in their room. We have Max's dresser in Nicholas' room upstairs, Sydney's dresser is in where the computer is which is upstairs and both Max and Syd sleep down stairs with their brothers and sisters. And the babies...well their clothes are still in the boxes. My plan is to utilize every ounce of space in our home. So my friend lent me another dresser for a while to put the babies clothes in. So now I think the plan is to move Sydney's dresser downstairs in a little play area under our stairs and make her a "Syd the Kid" play/dressing room. Then eventually move Nicolas into the computer room and make that room his room. Then make Nicholas' room the babies room and Max's dresser will still be in there. Whew...I know that was a lot. So to move around and rotate all of the clothes doesn't seem that difficult right? Well it is harder than it seems, especially when Nicholas sleeps in the room that all of the rearranging needs to take place. He is still a morning and afternoon napper plus an early to bed goer. (love it, not complaining one bit).

But then...on top of trying to figure out our dressing and sleeping arrangements Nicholas became sick. I mean for a kid who sleeps so good he just wasn't. Chad and I went two nights with him up all night, one night we took turns sleeping. Chad was up with the baby from 11:00-2:30am and then I switched him and took the 2:30-6:00am shift. All he wanted to do was be held. That is not an easy task with a belly the size of mine. Though I loved it! Not that he was sick but that I could just snuggle with him and that is all he wanted. I knew he would feel better, that the ear infection would eventually go away but I did love that he wanted his mom to hold him. I love that!!! None of my other children have been snugglers like Nicholas is so I take advantage of these times. Now he is feeling better but he is still more cuddly than usual. I just hope he knows that he is loved and adored even when the other two babies come. I don't want him to grow up too fast, I truly take advantage of these times, I think with two more babies coming it has made me more aware of every sweet moment. I take the time to just play on the floor with him, make him giggle and just hold him. I absolutely adore this baby. As I have all of my babies, I am just more aware of all of the little things.

Sorry so random, just recording my thoughts. Next week I get another ultra sound and let me tell you I am sure enjoying the use of my handicap parking pass! It has made going to the store/doctors so much easier especially when I have to take the baby with me. Thanks to my doctor who could see my need!!! Happy November!!!

Sunday, October 24, 2010

So Blessed and Loved...

Tonight as I was laying in bed and Chad was rubbing my feet I started to doze...Ding Dong! I thought I heard the door bell ring but I kind of thought it was in my soon to be dreams. Then Sydney my 8 year old comes running up stairs..."Didn't you hear the door bell ring?" So Chad went to see who was there. As I am lying in bed I can hear my kids say "what is with all of those boxes?" I immediately jump (as much as I can jump) out of bed to see what all the commotion is about. Chad and the kids start bringing in these boxes.

Now to back up a little bit, my good friend has a sister who had twin boys a couple years ago. This sister had saved all of her twin baby clothes which were in awesome condition and were darling, nice clothes. My friend had asked me if I wanted them, that her sister was willing to sell them all to me for a great price. I went over there to go through these clothes from ages 0-24 months. I loved them. All matching or coordinating darling boy clothes. I told my friend to please put them aside until I could afford to buy them from her.

This past week our family car (Ford Expedition) died...I mean really died. I was driving "Rose" which is what my kids have affectionately named our car and we have called it "Rose" since I can remember. When we found out what it was going to cost to fix her (rose) we were distraught! Since Chad has recently started a new business, money has been tight, Chad's business is picking up and will be awesome in the next little bit. There has just been a whole lot of expenses this last year that have been adding up. I have not been able to buy anything for these babies, I figured I would be able to soon. Friends in my ward have been asking me if I need anything, etc! Of course I say no and that we are great! Chad serves as the Bishop in our ward and we have received many blessings from his service in this calling. But nothing like the one we received tonight...Back to the Boxes.

As Chad and my kids are bringing in these boxes I look closely at them...Each box has a different age written on them, 0-3 month, 3-6 month etc. I soon discover that those boxes are filled with the baby clothes that my friend was storing for me. With them is a card. A sweet, wonderful card that contains cash. In this card was written :
Dear Cassie,
We know that you have been wanting and needing these clothes for the babies. So they are yours. Paid in full. With this extra money we want you to buy anything else the boys will need: Car seats, blessing outfits, coming home outfits, soft blankets, diapers etc. We want you to have fun shopping for the babies. We love you and can't wait to meet the babies.
Love Your Friends.

Wow! Talk about being completely overwhelmed. I began sobbing...not crying but sobbing. My kids all started crying. I don't even know if they knew why they were crying. It was the most unbelievable feeling of love, appreciation and gratitude that I have ever felt. We got down on our knees and thanked our Heavenly Father for this and for the generosity of some really great friends! I share this because I want to always remember my feelings at this moment and I want these boys to remember how much they are loved and looked forward to. I did know of one person who would know where and who these gifts came from. She told me that she would not tell me who did it but that there is a higher power looking out for our family and that someday she would tell me the story. I went downstairs and found my oldest daughter writing in her journal about this experience with tears flowing down her cheeks. What a sweet experience for my family to have. I feel so blessed and loved.

Friday, October 22, 2010

26 weeks

Wow I cannot believe that I am already 26 weeks along!! I mean I can believe it by looking at this photo but I can't believe that I am so close to the end. I have had a few requests to keep posting pictures so I had Chad take this one tonight. My camera lens broke so I had to borrow my moms. Doesn't that belly look heavy?? Well it is! Going down the stairs isn't to bad but coming back up the stairs is awful! Seriously I don't remember felling "heavy" in the belly like I do with these two babies. I am still feeling good, not sleeping great but ok. Tonight we borrowed my dad's lazy boy chair from my mom's house to see if I can sleep better in it. At least I have another option besides my bed or just wandering around the house until the sun comes up. I am happy I am still feeling so good, the babies are moving great too. The doctor always gave me Halloween as a point to look forward to. He told me that after Halloween I would begin to be miserable...that is next week. He told me to have my house in order by Halloween...ha ha ha does he realize how funny that is...my house in order...what is that and what does that look like? Tomorrow I am hoping to clean out some things and get some things organized. At least that is my plan today.
Happy 26 weeks!!!

Friday, October 15, 2010

Pumping Iron

I just received a phone call from my doctors office, Donna the nurse said "so do you want the good news or the bad news?" What? I didn't realize I had any news to get. She then told me that my diabetes test went great, I am at no risk for that. Which is good because right before I had to drink the glucose drink I ate a bowl of sugar cereal as well as a piece of chocolate cake. (I know I am the picture of health) Then I read the instructions on the bottle "do not eat anything with sugar in it before you drink this" Whoops! So I was a little nervous that my numbers would be off the chart. But she said that they get concerned with any number above 140 and my glucose registered at 80! So these babies must be eating up all of the sugar that I am consuming. Then she told me that the bad news is my iron is really low. Bummer! I am already taking a prenatal vitamin as well as an iron pill. Now I have to take two iron pills. Do you know what that can do for your bowel movements? Lets just say it can "slow the flow" quite a bit. Sorry if this is too much information! Apparently these babies are sucking all the sugar and the iron out of me. The good news is that is it! And this could be the reason that I am so exhausted...all of the time. It could be much worse...I will take the news of having to pop more pills and being a little constipated. My next appointment is in two weeks and my next ultra sound is in four weeks. Things are moving along quite nicely...well until that extra iron pill kicks in! Ha Ha!

Wednesday, October 13, 2010

24 and 1/2

I just returned from my appointment with the Perientologist. It went great!!! The babies look perfect. They are measuring 1 pound 12 oz and 1 pound 13 oz and everything else about them are exactly the same. The doctor said that he believes I will have these babies in 2011...which is great news! I don't want them here early. He said that with all of my other healthy pregnancies I should have no problem delivering them at 37 weeks! Woo Hoo great news! It was so fun to see these two buddies. They have gotten so big since the last ultra sound three weeks ago. It looked as though at one point they were having a boxing match with each other. I can sure feel baby B more than baby A, baby B is very active and baby A seems a little more mellow. The specialist also reviewed all of the other ultrasounds up to the very first one and said that these boys are definitely identical twins. Crazy! My boys look so much alike already I can't image two almost the same. I am finding myself loving on and enjoying my 9 month old Nicholas a little more than I think I did with my others. He is super cuddly and I make sure I cherish those times even more than before. I just don't want him to grow up too fast, he is so sweet and I sure enjoy every day with him. Tomorrow I go into my OBGYN and do my glucose testing and have a regular appointment. I am so happy to have seen my babies today and know that all is well. Life is Good!

Friday, October 8, 2010


The last few days have been different. These babies must be growing. I am so exhausted! To the point that all I want to do is lay down, all of the time. My back and my hips are starting to really feel the pressure as well. Every thing is starting to ache. I don't sleep very well at night either. I don't ever want to sound negative I just want to have a truthful account of this pregnancy and what goes on week by week. It's so hard to find information on a twin pregnancy from real people. There are plenty of "book answers" about my questions just not a lot of real life. I am getting quite large. Chad keeps looking at me and saying "wow, I don't know how much bigger you can get". He means it in the nicest, compassionate way. I am sure he is just trying to validate my complaints. My house is a pit! It is such a mess and I don't do a whole lot about it. I walk around it and then go and lay back down. I am hoping that this is just another phase and I will begin getting my energy back at least for a while. I am looking forward to my next appointment with the Perientologist, it's been three weeks since I have seen the two buddies and look forward to seeing them next week! It is such a great reassurance that everything is A-OK! I have three months left to be considered full term, I am really hoping to make it that far. I really want to get through the holidays without any "baby excitement" and just enjoy the down time with my kids. Life is still good and I am looking forward to a bright future full of fun and craziness and hopefully a whole lot of energy from me!!!

Monday, October 4, 2010

What do we feed her?

I have to laugh every time I think about my 22 year old big, wrestler, studly nephew Jake and what he said to me. We were lucky enough to have him come here from Colorado to visit over the weekend for conference and for his mission reunion. He is a great guy, loves the little kids and adores the babies. On Sunday after our big Sunday dinner he turned to me and asked very seriously..."So someday I will probably get married and my wife might be pregnant with twins I need to know how much to feed her? Seriously how much do you eat?" I laughed and laughed. how much do I feed her? As if she is a pet lizard or something. I am happy he is planning on what to feed his pregnant with twins wife in the future and how to budget for that. We cracked up! What to feed me? I am not so sure these days. Nothing ever sounds good to eat. If I could create my own fantasy menu it would probably consists of a delicious steak (filet) cooked medium well, some yummy cooked asparagus, delicious warm bread with butter and some sort of brownie moose creamy dessert. Oh and also some fresh Pineapple. But since this is a "fantasy" menu I will just continue to be hungry and pick off of my kids peanut butter and honey sandwiches. And hope that my husband someday takes me back to Carrabbas!!!

Thursday, September 30, 2010

My last "Hurrah"

The last couple of days I have been lounging by a pool surrounded by the ocean and palm trees at the Ritz Carlton Dana Point, CA. It was wonderful!!! A friend of mine had a business conference there and let me tag along. All I did was lay around and read. That is it. My doctor told me that I had better enjoy it because it was going to be my last "Hurrah" for a long...long time. So I did. I kept looking around taking mental pictures of the beautiful sunset over the ocean and the breeze. My thoughts were "Remember this Cassie in February when you are stuck inside, it is freezing and you have three babies" so hopefully I will do just that. I am so grateful for the opportunity. I am also grateful that I was missed...I mean really, really missed! My kids were so happy to see me and I was happy to see them to. I love my kids! I love my family! I love my crazy life! I love that Chad was able to balance between church, kids and work so I could enjoy three days of relaxation. He is really the best!!! Now as I look forward to the next 3 months I can't help but get a lump in my throat not knowing what to expect. With the holidays, the change in weather, my babies getting bigger and bigger. It's all the unknown...but I am ready, I think...bring it on!

Tuesday, September 21, 2010

They look great!

I just returned from my doctor's appointment. Both babies look "perfect"! Baby A is measuring 1 pound 2 oz with a heart rate at 160 bpm and Baby B is exactly 1 pound with a heart rate at 150 bpm. They are so close. There is only the smallest little membrane separating these two buddies. They are both head down right now, right next to each other, in exactly the same position. Amazing!! The technician said that she is almost for certain they are identical twins. I still can't wrap my head around this. So crazy.

I was walking down the hall at church on Sunday with Nicholas and his car seat, Bro. Norman passed me and just started to giggle. He said "I am so anxious to see how this all works out in about 4 months." I had to laugh as well. It is all so overwhelming. My next appointment I go and see the specialist, the Perinatologist who will do a very in depth ultra sound to make sure all is well with both babies. My doctor told me that I should enjoy these next couple of weeks. He is not limiting my activities..YET! Were his words. He is also concerned with how far away we live from the hospital, on a good day it takes 45 minutes from my house to the hospital, that is with no traffic and no weather restrictions. He said that this is definitely something we will have to discuss in the near future!! He said that preterm labor is his biggest concern with me. My thoughts were" I have never dialated on my own and have always had to be induced late shouldn't that be in my favor?" He said No, that a twin pregnancy is a whole different ball game. He did say that at my next appointment we can fill out the paperwork for a temporary handicap license plate. That will be so great for the holiday season. Each appointment gets more interesting. I am just so relieved to see these two little boys and to see them developing normally and healthy!!!
Life is Good!

Monday, September 20, 2010

22 weeks

Tomorrow I am having another ultra sound. Feeling nervous for this one. With this pregnancy I am a bundle of nerves. I am always worried something is not right because it is so different. I am anxious to get to my doctor and make sure all is well and happy with my two little buddies. I will update as soon as I can!

Wednesday, September 15, 2010

Moo Moo

I have a moo moo (apparently it is spelled Muu Muu but I feel like the other spelling fits best). Yes, I must confess, I bought me a gigantic moo moo looking night dress. It's red and has small jewels embroidered on the square neck. It's the most wonderful item of clothing I have. I bought it a couple of months ago on a 70% off clearance rack at Dillards. I just pulled it out last night. I put it on while I was getting the kids ready for bed. Tyler told me it was Beautiful. Sydney said to me "Wow mom, that is one big night gown". Then she asked me today if I would please wear it again tonight. It is huge, it is light weight and it is the most comfortable thing I have ever owned. Maybe I will post a picture later in my pregnancy, maybe I won't! I think I need to get a couple more of these wonderful items of clothing for the next couple of months. I really hope I don't totally fill it out, I am not planning too. I hope it stays this comfortable and this wonderful the rest of the pregnancy and possibly beyond. I strongly encourage anyone and everyone to purchase one of the gigantic pieces of heaven if they ever see the opportunity!!! Oh and if you see any on cheap clearance please let me know!!!

Monday, September 13, 2010


People keep asking me if I have felt the babies move yet. I was starting to get a little worried because I had felt some just not very much. But lately I have definitely been feeling more. It is a little strange because I feel them in two different places but never at the same time, I can't imagine what that will be like. Usually I feel one right below my right rib cage and the other on my lower left side. It's nice when I feel them move, it reassures me. I know, I know I need to quit worrying but that will never happen. I get another ultra sound next week, Hooray!! I love getting the ultrasounds. Yesterday was fun, we showed the kids the ultrasound DVD that I had taken last time. They were amazed at how "real" they were. Baby B was even sucking his thumb through most of it. I think it made the kids realize that there really is something going on in there. I could watch it over and over, to me it's fascinating.

I am definitely getting bigger and bigger. My friend asked me "isn't it hard for you to bend over" the answer...YES!! It's so hard. I try to pick everything up with my toes but for the bigger items, like Nicholas I have to bend and remember to use my legs instead of my back. Not sure how long I am going to be able to bend down and pick up my 23 pound baby. I do a lot of sitting on the floor next to him...but then I always have to get back up at some point. When I think about having an active one year old and two new born babies I kind of get freaked. I can't really wrap my head around it. Not sure how this is going to happen, it will happen just not sure how I will handle it all. Lots of tears and chocolate. Then I think of these three buddies hanging out together and it makes me smile.

Tuesday, September 7, 2010

20 week appointment

I just got back from the doctors office. Last time I went, which was 2 weeks ago I was measuring at 22 weeks, this week I am measuring at 26 weeks. I am growing at a rapid pace. I have been feeling it, I figured I must be getting bigger, not only because clothes do not fit but because my ligaments are sure stretching...ouch! This was my first appointment not getting an ultrasound. I didn't like that. I like seeing these two little guys. He did check the heartbeats and they sound great. My next appointment I will be getting another ultrasound. I like the ultrasounds. It reassures me that all is well. I will also be seeing the perinatologist (specialist) in the near future just as a precaution. All seems to be well, still just really tired in the afternoons, hungry at night and wishing that my husband was more of a culinary artist than he is. (Garlic bread just doesn't cut it honey)!

Thursday, September 2, 2010

Almost 20 weeks...

Ok so I got brave again, these are for you Tara!!! I really don't like myself in pictures. But here you go, I was thinking I was 20 weeks but I am actually just about 19 weeks...close enough. I am to the half way point for having twins. These pictures were taken right after I took a shower...with wet hair in a pony tail and no makeup! Which is what I look like most days because it takes an effort to do myself up plus I never feel like it helps. I was trying to suck in my chubby cheeks on the second picture, kinda silly I know but I have to make it fun, right?

Tuesday, August 31, 2010

Taken it easy...

Well I talked to my Doctor and he wants me to limit my activities and take it easy. What does that mean? Which part of my day do I limit? Which activities of raising 7 children do I cut out or limit? I think I will limit all of the things I don't like to do...Clean bathrooms, go downstairs to do laundry? Yes, I think those are the things I will definitely limit.

Monday, August 30, 2010

It hurts...

Tonight I am worried. I was at the grocery store and I started having braxton hicks contractions, I guess that is what they were. They made me hurt and they were very uncomfortable. I am worried. I shouldn't be having these pains so early on. I have put myself to bed and plan on calling the Dr. tomorrow. Hopefully this is just part of the process. But it hurts!

Half Way

Well I am officially half way through this pregnancy. What? Only half way. I have been feeling great, I mean really, really great. Until yesterday, I felt gigantic and tight. You know when you don't think your ligaments can stretch any more but yet they keep stretching and pulling. Plus I just felt heavy, maybe it was because it was Sunday and Sunday's are tough, I really enjoy Sundays for the most part it is just that my 8 month old baby is so heavy (23 pounds) so between lugging him and feeling large it makes me really tired. I am feeling really large right now and Chad informed me that I only have 19 more Sundays to endure...ha ha ha I had to laugh, really 19, he says that as if that is the same as 3 Sundays left. People just look at me and I can read their minds "Wow, is she really due in January, she is already HUGE, how much bigger can she get?" And apparently I can and will get much bigger. Though Chad informed me that I have earned and deserve any surgery I desire after these babies come...Yes, I will follow through on that agreement, you better believe it!!!

I went and visited a friend yesterday who just had a sweet little beautiful baby girl just 9 days ago. This baby was perfect. I looked at this sweet little Anna and thought, "Oh my heck, I will have double this". It's over whelming. My friend was saying what a good baby she is though she does cry and have lots and lots of messy diapers. As she was saying these things I kept thinking to myself "times 2, times 2". I just have to laugh! I have to laugh just like my Doctor and his nurses laugh every time they see me. I am ok with that, I just laugh with them. I just keep thinking that I am so lucky to have these two little guys come at the end. I was the youngest in my family and always wished I had a buddy, someone to share clothes with, someone to share a room with, share friends with etc. Now I will have that with these two little guys, Chase and Chandler. I get really excited thinking about it, nervous but really excited.

Wednesday, August 25, 2010

Some Days...

Some days I am just so exhausted I can't even think. I can't even think about cleaning my house, or making dinner, or doing homework, or answering my door because I know it is another "friend" looking for a Kerby to play with. Some days I just cry because I don't know what else to do. Not because I am depressed or hurt just because I want to. Some days I am overwhelmed with my life, my responsibilities, my husband's responsibilities, the pressure I put on myself to just make it until tomorrow. Some days if another kid cries or screams or thinks that life is unfair it makes me want to scream and cry and think that life is unfair. But I cant. I am the mom. I love my kids, I love my life. Do my kids drive me crazy some days...You Bet! Do I drive them crazy some days...You better believe it. This is the life I choose. It's a good one. Some days it's a GREAT one!!

While Chad and I were dating and when we were first married we had somewhat of a motto. "The Future is Bright!" That is how we signed every letter to each other, any cute little note to each other ended in our motto. Some days I forget it. I need to remember it. Because we are so lucky and so blessed in so many ways...

"The Future is Bright!"

So we think we have two names that we love for these two little buddies. We are liking Chandler Reed and Chase Robert. What do you think?

Tuesday, August 24, 2010

It's Official...

I just got back from my Dr.s appointment and we are having...BOYS! Yup, and they believe that they will be identical. (I guess the only true way to tell is by DNA testing) But because they are sharing one placenta and have such a thin membrane between the two of them they believe that they will be identical. So fun! I am really, really excited. It was so cool to be able to see them today, their cute little heads were right next to each other. Both babies are measuring the exact same weight and height. Baby A has a heart beat of 153 and Baby B has a heart beat of 150. Baby B looked like he was sucking his thumb...too cute! Both babies checked out great. Both have healthy four chamber hearts, their inners all looked great! Arms, legs and face looked great. I now start having ultra sound appointments every two weeks. That is so fun to be able to see them grow and wow are they growing fast. The tech said that this will probably be the last time that she can get them both on the screen at once because they are getting so big. I myself am measuring at 22 weeks if it was one baby. So I am measuring about 5 weeks bigger since their are two. Which is right on track. So now to think about names. We have an idea of what we want to name these two little buddies, what are your ideas??

Monday, August 23, 2010

Happy Days

Lately I have been feeling really good...almost too good. So of course I worry. I keep thinking that maybe I shouldn't feel so good, maybe I should be even bigger. Well tomorrow I go back into the Dr. for another ultra sound, yippee!! That always makes me happy and also helps my fears. We also should be able to tell if we have boys or girls in there for sure. My kids are so excited. I just hope everything is ok, I bet it is. Just nervous.

Monday, August 16, 2010

To cut or not to cut??

OK I go through this dilemma every time I am pregnant...Do I continue to grow out my hair or do I cut it? I know, I know not a big deal but I really like short hair, I have had short hair for so long and every time I am pregnant I think I need to grow it out to be able to pull it back. But is that very cute? If all you do with longer hair is pull it back? It is now long enough to pull back into a pony tail but when I have it down I hate it, it looks stringy to me. But if I cut it will my face look too big? Do I rough it out and keep growing it until it looks good or cut it like Aunt Bea in the Ramona and Beezus movie...Her hair is so dang cute and definitely gave me "Hair Envy". By the way this movie, Ramona and Beezus was one of the cutest I have seen in a long, long time...I highly recommend it!!
Sigh...not a big deal but definitely is on my mind because it's driving me CRAZY!!!!
Ginnifer Goodwin as Aunt Bea in Ramona and Beezus

Wednesday, August 11, 2010


So this morning I got out of the shower and put on a skirt, a maternity skirt that I love to wear because it is so comfortable and big. Well guess what...It's not so big anymore. I mean it's not so big where I thought it would stay big, instead the big part is my rear end!!! It's getting bigger, I am spreading. :-( Seriously, I didn't think this would happen so soon, how in the world am I going to fit into any of my regular maternity clothes? I haven't gained any weight yet (that is only because I started off fat from my last pregnancy and never really lost much after that) but my maternity clothes are getting tighter, I am having to stretch them out already...sigh. I think I am going to have to invest in some Moo Moos from Hawaii. Right now is really not the time that I want to be buying more maternity clothes, it is the time that I am worrying about buying my kids school clothes. This is all too soon, I am not ready to be ginormous yet!
Ginormous here I come...

Friday, August 6, 2010

Getting Bigger

OK here you go! I had Chad take a picture of me tonight at 15 weeks pregnant. Now remember this is pregnancy #8, this tummy has had plenty of stretching going on and not a whole lot of getting it back into shape in between babies.
So yes I am 15 weeks (4 and 1/2 months)pregnant here, not 8 months pregnant like you all might think I look. I have a LONG way to go and I have the feeling that I will get much, much bigger.

Thursday, August 5, 2010

So Blessed

I haven't posted in a while mainly because I don't have much to post about. I am now about 15 weeks and am actually feeling pretty good. I don't get nearly as tired as I did and I am actually feeling quite energetic. Well at least compared to before. I can say that I am actively cleaning my house again. Well at least the main level, I try not to go down to the basement unless I absolutely have to.

I have to say that I am pretty overwhelmed at the kind words and deeds I have been receiving. It's amazing how thoughtful people are. I have received emails asking me what I am craving today, I have received grocery bags of treats. (thank you Robyn!) I have woken up to my door bell ringing and it being my friend and visiting teacher Lisa with a homemade breakfast smoothie and cinnamon roll for me. I recently received a package in the mail from my sister Tara. It was full of Organic meal replacement shakes (she knows that I am having a hard time getting the iron and protein I need daily) these actually taste really good, she also sent a container of Trader Joes Toasted flax seed natural peanut butter to mix with it. One morning I woke up to Cap n' Crunch cereal and sour water melons from the Maxwells just because we had been talking about them the day before. Yesterday I received a phone call at about 1:00pm from a sweet lady in my ward telling me not to make dinner tonight! Sis. LeBate and Sis. Fassbinder showed up at my house later that day with a huge dinner (it will feed us for at least three nights). Their instructions were for me to lay down and put my feet up instead of making dinner. They just wanted me to know how much they appreciate the Bishop's wife and all that she has on her plate. Wow...Seriously I am overwhelmed by the thoughtfulness of people. I know that someday I will be in the position to serve and do random acts of kindness for people outside of my home but right now where I can most serve is in my own home. And then to top it off I know that I have two healthy babies growing inside of me as well as a houseful of healthy energetic kids.
I feel so blessed, unbelievably blessed!

Friday, July 30, 2010

Out of Body

Today I spent the day at a swim meet watching my awesome nine year old swim his heart out. The only problem with the day is that it was HOT. Really really hot. I think I got over heated because all that I have wanted to do today is sleep. Chad was wanting to go to the movies with me but I fell asleep. I get so exhausted, this twin thing is like an "out of body" experience. That is the only way I can describe it. I am getting big, I mean really really big. My belly is already feeling so heavy and I have no muscle left to hold these babies. I may post pictures of me, I may not. I look gigantic and seeing yourself in pictures just makes you feel that much worse. But I have had a few requests and maybe if I post them you all will feel much better about yourselves. Maybe that will be my gift to you! Oh I am still so very sleepy, I think I will crawl back into my bed and try to sleep some more. G'Night!

Wednesday, July 28, 2010

My oh my!!

Wow! I am suddenly feeling a whole lot of anxiety. Not about the pregnancy so much right now, more about raising all of these kids.

How do I make sure that each one's emotional and physical needs are met? How do I make sure that each one feels like an individual, loved and appreciated in our family and not like a Herd of Cattle? How do I tackle homework, reading and daily emotions weather they be up or down? How do we take care of all of the financial needs; clothing, lessons, Jr. High and High school fees, after school activities, costumes/uniforms, activities, etc. How do I make sure that I am raising hard working, polite, respectful children who have a desire to serve others. How do I make sure that we have a lot of fun and create great memories to talk about throughout our lives? All of these have been weighing heavily on my mind lately. It is all so overwhelming.
I know that it takes a village to raise a child but what does it take to raise a village?

I have to step back and realize that my Heavenly Father is in charge and will help me, he has entrusted all of these children to me and Chad. We have to have faith in order to do this, there is no other way! It is still overwhelming, can I do this? Can I do this right? Can I have the family relationships that I have always desired for my children to have with one another?
Oh wow, I am getting all tensed up just writing this down. I need to relax and take it one day at a time. (Definitely easier said than done)

A good thing is I am starting to have more energy. I have gone three days without a nap...not because I have not wanted one but because it has not been possible. And I feel ok. I will take ok.

Monday, July 26, 2010

Baby A Baby B

Today I had my Doctor's appointment. I had such a sick feeling inside of me all of the way there that something was wrong. I have been worrying since my last appointment. Not for any reason but my mind just worrying. This appointment went great! These two babies are looking healthy and strong. (It is amazing to compare this ultrasound picture to the one below, I can't believe how fast they are growing.) Both heartbeats are great and they have two arms and two legs each. It was so fun to see these two laying on top of each other. Like they are already wrestling buddies. I love that! The technician did check to see if they were girls or boys. She thinks that they are both boys and my doctor thinks that they are identical. We will have a better chance of knowing at our next appointment. But I am so relieved to know that they are healthy and strong. I asked him why I am SO EXHAUSTED from the time I wake up until I go to bed and then I don't sleep at night. He just said that carrying twins is a whole different ballgame, such a different experience. What a great experience this is. What a blessing to have two healthy babies and to know that the human body, MY human body has the ability to carry and care for these tiny little guys. It was fun to have Chad there to see the ultrasound, he was pretty blown away to see two babies moving. It was so cool!
Life is Good!

Sunday, July 25, 2010

Sunday, a day of rest?

Oh Sunday! Yes that is what day it is today. Sunday's are difficult for me. We have church at 9:00am and Chad serves as the Bishop in our ward. Which means he leaves the house at 6:30am and we don't see him at home until at least 2:00pm sometimes later. Getting the kids ready for church is interesting. I kind of have it down to a timed work of art. As long as I am showered by 7:30am than things can pretty much run smoothly...crazy but smooth.

The hardest part of church is Sacrament Meeting. I usually have Max on my lap who is a super anxious, high energy three year old who does not and will not sit still. His head bonks mine about 8 times and if I even thought about ironing my clothes before church at this point there is not a spot on me that isn't wrinkled. He sits on my lap and pushes on the bench in front of him squishing my poor belly. It's quite the experience. If he is good he is allowed to go and sit on his daddy's lap during the closing song. (lately even if he is not good he gets to go sit on his daddy's lap) Then there is sweet Nicholas who is my moose of a baby. He will be seven months this next week. He weighs 22 pounds. Usually he sleeps during this meeting but today...Nope! We have the sweetest young women who offer to take him to relieve me (I really wish they would offer to take Max) Today Nicholas did not get to sleep, he cried because all he wanted to do was to sleep in his car seat but sweet young women like to hold fat little babies. So I had to go and assist which meant Max followed me out as well. The meeting finally ended, it was a lovely meeting about the pioneers and Chad gave a great talk at the end (I am sure it was great...What I was able to catch of it was awesome!)

Since I am still not feeling very good, I don't eat, well I shouldn't say I don't eat I had some saltine crackers, two Tylenol and a sprite before I left for church. And all through the meeting I felt yucky, so tired and nauseated. So after it was over I came home, put the baby to bed and now I will attempt to put myself to bed, oh wait...the rest of my troop will be home in 40 minutes.
Hopefully a nap will come later.

Tomorrow I get to go back to my doctor and ask him all of the questions that have built up over the last month. Like am I really supposed to be THIS exhausted everyday, all day? I am hoping he will have a solution for me, like "go and eat 12 chocolate cupcakes and watch food network and then you will feel much better" We also get to see more pictures of these babies. Hopefully all will be well.
Life is Good!

Thursday, July 22, 2010

So so sleepy...

Oh my I don't know if I have ever been so so sleepy...all of the time. I am exhausted from the time I wake up until my nap and then after my nap I can't wait to get to bed! Today I took a FOUR hour nap. It was one of those naps where you wake up and close your eyes and it's an hour later and then doze back to sleep and then it's two hours later and then you doze some more. The only reason why I got up was because I could hear the baby crying and told myself "Get up and take care of your family, go and make them dinner". I came out of my room and Chad was very happy to see me, he decided to work from home this after noon to give me some rest, funny thing is he had no idea just how long that "rest" would be. He is so great and never complains. What a blessing he is. Oh I am so so sleepy...

Wednesday, July 21, 2010

10:00 and I am STARVING!!

Sorry all of posts seem to be based around food. But since that is all that I think about whether it be making me sick, not eating enough or cravings I feel like it is always on my mind. Tonight I was watching Food Network again...I seriously love that channel. And I started getting hungry, really really hungry. I had made a good dinner and ate a decent helping of it and I thought I would be done for the night. Well apparently Baby A and B thought otherwise. I usually get pretty hungry at night right before bed and can usually sleep it off but this was a panic hunger. MUST EAT NOW! But not anything will do...I wanted a brownie...a big fat one. So Chad being Mr. Wonderful again said, what else do you need me to get you if I run to the store? Oh thank you! So I gave him my list...Bakery brownie, sprite and saltine crackers (for the morning).

Then I get this call...They are out of brownies! All they have is Mint or Cream Cheese Brownies...Oh Yuck! I just want a delicious chocolate fudge brownie. So he begins searching the bakery area of the store "I could get you a donut, or a cookie or piece of cake" SIGH...None of those will do. "How about a homemade bakery chocolate muffin?" OK that sounded much better than anything with cream cheese or mint. SOLD! I love my man but I still really want a brownie!!!

Tuesday, July 20, 2010

Too much of a good thing...

You know I was warned. I was warned more than once. I should know better. When I fall in love with a particular food item and eat it when ever possible especially when pregnant it will sooner or later make me sick. I have loved Rubios Gourmet Chicken Tacos (with no bacon). I have seriously loved them, today I took Raegan there for lunch and they made me sick! (Not Rubio's fault just my weird body's fault.) Yuck, if I never have another one that will be too soon at least while I am pregnant. Though the good news is I did not have to pay for it. I had a frequent diner punch card, if you eat there six times your seventh is free. So Raegan and I shared a free taco plate. It did not set well with me at all, though I did enjoy Raegan's company, that part was great! Sigh...Now for my nap, maybe I can sleep off this feeling of yuck I have.
Sweet Dreams!

Monday, July 19, 2010


It is hot outside and inside! I am sure all of my Arizona friends are saying "Oh cry me a river" since our 100 degree heat does not compare to their 120 degrees. But it is still hot. And I am a big fat lump. I want to do nothing. Plus I am getting a silly little summer cold. I worry about getting colds because of my Asthma, when I am pregnant and a cold settles in my chest I get really really sick. Last year when I was pregnant with Nicholas I ended up in the hospital for a week fighting my asthma...LAME! My poor kids, the last two summers (including this one) their mom hasn't been very fun, not fun at all!! Hopefully they won't remember. Luckily we have really great friends and neighbors who keep taking my kids to fun places...water parks, Lagoon, movies etc.

I am wondering if my iron is low, like really low. I am taking a prenatal vitamin every night with an additional Iron supplement but I am still so, so tired...like totally worthless. Thankfully I have a truly amazing husband who is awesome. He sees this wife of his who is worthless and steps it up and becomes both mom and dad. He is so busy but is really amazing...I am so blessed. Oh I am hoping that my energy returns soon.

I actually cooked again. Yesterday I made homemade french bread and today I made Green Chicken Enchiladas. Yes they are baby steps but at least they are steps. I am beginning to realize that if I am hungry and want something that I am going to have to make it myself. Yesterday after watching "The Next Food Network Star" on the Food Network (it is my very favorite channel) I wanted homemade Taquitos. Oh they looked so good but it was 11:00 at night and it really wasn't an option so today I decided to make them, well my chicken mixture ended up too soupy so they ended up having to be enchiladas instead. Probably much better for me since I won't be doing any frying but still not the same. Hmmm I wonder what I will crave tonight after watching Food Network?

I have a new personal goal. I am going to read the Book of Mormon cover to cover before the twins come. I haven't read it cover to cover in years. I usually just read a few verses here or a chapter there. So this will be a challenge for me but I need to do it. I am excited to do it.
Life Is Good!

Saturday, July 17, 2010

Saturday is a Special day...

First Ultra Sound Picture

Saturday is a special day because it's the day Cassie actually cleaned! I am not sure what came over me but I suddenly got inspired and I mopped my kitchen floor, washed baseboards and doors, bleached lots of things...it was amazing and so needed! So if anyone wants to come and see me hurry up and come because it won't stay this clean for very long!

I am hoping that that magic number of 12 really is magic. Since I am now 12 weeks and "they" say once you hit that 12 week point that things start looking up. Boy wouldn't that be nice...Let's keep our fingers crossed!

So I had a comment from a friend and she said that she wanted to hear how we found out we were having twins. So here is the story...

I thought that it was time for "that time" of the month and it just didn't come. I didn't keep track of the dates because I wasn't trying to get pregnant and so I really didn't know when to expect "Aunt Flo" to arrive. So I decided to take a pregnancy test just because it seemed like it had been a while. So I took it without telling Chad that I was even concerned because really I wasn't I figured that I am just kind of still irregular since I GAVE BIRTH JUST THREE MONTHS PRIOR!!! Well that pregnancy came back positive in 2.3 seconds and the lines were dark. I mean really really dark. I have taken many pregnancy tests in my day and I am always holding the results in the light to try and make out that thin little pale line. Not this time, I could have seen it in the dark...I WAS PREGNANT! I showed the test to Chad and he was thrilled...I was not surprised.

So a Doctor appointment was made for a few weeks later, mean while I kept getting bigger and bigger. Chad told me that there was no way I was going to be able to hide this pregnancy for very long. That my body was going right back into large pregnancy mode since IT HAD JUST BEEN THERE.

So the day for my appointment came, I still had not told anyone but by this time I was wearing maternity pants, capris and skirts. I just figured my body knew what to do and it was doing it but rather early. Well the doctor wanted to do an ultra sound to figure out my due date since I could not remember the day of my last period. So he brought in his little machine and began going over my belly. Well his face got a concerned look on it and so I watched it and the ultra sound machine. He showed me the heart beat and then his eyebrows became quite furrowed. I looked at the monitor and I could see something additional next to the one with a heart beat. I asked him "Um...what is that?" Dr. Hansen said "um give me a minute, I am not sure" I said "Is that another one?" and he said "Well, lets get you down to the ultra sound room and lets get a closer look" WHAT! A CLOSER LOOK AT WHAT?

So off I went to the Ultra sound room. They decided to do an internal ultra sound...fun huh! Any how sure enough, the technician said..."Hmmm I think there is two in there, but let me make sure" Well now to find out why my Dr wouldn't give me a straight answer was because initially he was worried. He couldn't see any sac around the second baby. But with the internal machine they could see that there is one placenta and two sacs with two strong heart beats in them. Both beating at 163.

I walked back up to my doctors office, showed my results to Dr. Hansen. He hugged me...I cried...He wanted to know if I was going to be ok...I didn't think I had a choice...WOW TWO BABIES!!! I made him call Chad with the news, Chad almost fainted and had to pull his car over (he called him on his cell while he was driving) Chad thought he was kidding...NOPE, NO JOKE!

I then called my mom. She wasn't home, I called her cell phone, she was at the church helping with a funeral. I walked into the kitchen at the church and asked her to please come outside with me. I handed her the Ultra sound picture...Her response "What, you are not pregnant again are you?" I said "Mom, look a little closer" She examined the picture..."Oh my, is that two?" I said yes. She then said "I guess I should put my house up for sale and move away from you" Nice! That isn't exactly what I wanted to hear but I was not surprised. She of course was kidding. She was thrilled. She asked me if she could PLEASE call my sisters and tell them. I said sure. So she did.

I can't say that it has truly sunk in yet, it is starting too...if I could just see those two little heart beats again that would help, I was so in shock the first time. Well I hope I did not bore you with all of my details. It will be nice someday to remember exactly how I found out so thanks Heather for requesting "my story".

Friday, July 16, 2010

Time to Eat...Again??

I know I said in my last post how worried I am. I still am. Funny little pains and cramps always make me wonder what is going on inside me. Oh I seriously can't wait for that ultra sound, I am making myself crazy!!!

In the mean time I am still trying to figure out what to eat. I usually start my morning with something very bland like toast. I have been one to only buy wheat bread but lately I can't even do the wheat. It is either a white piece of bread with just a little butter or a plain bagel. How boring. Then about an hour later I am starving. Sigh. Now what should I eat? I sometimes go for an apple or some fruit. Last night I made homemade salsa I got the recipe from HERE. I try to make homemade salsa every week because my kids love it as a snack with chips and I am very ok with that!!! Any time they can get vegis in them I love it! So for lunch we made Nachos. Not the healthiest option but none the less an option I could eat and with that homemade salsa I must say it was quite tasty! It actually tasted good. So just now again I began my starvation mode and thought, "I haven't had a bit of protein today." Not great for my energy or my growing babies, so I opted for a Chocolate Milkshake with skim milk and peanut butter. Another not so healthy choice but it too tasted quite delicious and gave me quite a bit of protein.

My sister in law Shellie just invited us over for a dinner of homemade tacos tonight...YEAH for Shellie!!! I don't have to cook and my kids don't have to complain of another night of cold cereal or bean burritos. (for the six days a week I don't cook) I used to cook every night and it was good food, not so much lately, it just isn't happening.

So today's meals are figured out, it is pretty pathetic that my day is measured by what I am going to eat next...it's a big pain especially when you don't look forward to eating and are eating out of pure necessity. Wow I never would have thought those words would come out of my mouth. I was always the mom baking cookies and brownies every day so my kids and their friends would have delicious homemade goodness at their finger tips. NOPE...Not now any way, the thought of those treats or the little bit of effort that would be involved in actually making them just makes my stomach turn...my poor family...I just keep telling them
"this too shall pass!"

Thursday, July 15, 2010

Here We Go...

Welcome to my new blog...8 is great 9 is fine!!! I am 12 weeks pregnant with twins. Chad and I always said that we wanted eight children. That is the number we always talked about and we knew that if Heavenly Father allowed us to, that is when our family would feel complete. We have a 6 month old right now, little Nicholas who couldn't be any sweeter or easy as a baby. So when I found out I was not only expecting so soon but that we were expecting twins I was in shock! As the news set in, I have become quite excited. Don't get me wrong I know that this is going to be hard work, extremely time consuming and probably really really draining. But if Heavenly Father feels I can handle it than I better step it up and be strong.

My kids are excited but are not loving the fact that mom takes a two hour nap every afternoon. My house has never been in such a mess with piles of everything needing attention. We have no routine. I am having to let go of quite a bit right now, I am exhausted. I am not too nauseated but I don't feel good either. The best way I can describe it is a medicine head type of feeling. Chad is awesome! I love him! He tries to relieve me of my "duties" as often as possible. Some afternoons he comes home to work from home to guarantee me a nap. He lets me sleep in as long as possible until he has to leave for work. He is so busy with work and church responsibilities I can only begin to image what he must be feeling. He is my strength and I am so blessed to have him in my life and be so involved with the raising of our children. Blessings, Blessings, Blessings!!!

I am anxious for my next Dr.s appointment, it's not until the 26th of this month, I will be getting another ultra sound as well. I am a worrier, so of course I am worried that something is wrong or will go wrong in fact I am probably driving Chad crazy with all my worrying. It will be nice to see these babies on the ultra sound to reassure me that all is well. I am already quite large, I feel like I am more like six months pregnant not three months. Apparently my body just jumped right back into pregnant mode.

So far I haven't had many specific cravings besides mainly pineapple and fresh fruit oh and snow peas always taste good. Occasionally a moist, Chocolate cupcake sounds good but that is usually only when I am watching "Cupcake Wars" on Food Network. It's more what doesn't sound good. I have a hard time eating enough (which in turn makes me sick). Most days nothing sounds good to me, breakfast is really hard. But when I am hungry I am STARVING. It's the strangest thing. Well off to bed to try and get some sleep. Hopefully my mind will be put to ease that all is well.

Sweet Dreams!