Thursday, November 4, 2010

What a day...

Yesterday as I was driving I suddenly felt a sharp pain go from my right side down to my toes. I had never felt this before. The rest of the day the pain never really went away. Last night I took my two tylenol pm's and tried to relax and go to sleep. The pain kept getting worse and worse. I was up most of the night with a full belly contraction that just wouldn't let up...I was miserable! As soon as I could I called my doctor to let him know what was going on, he informed me that I needed to see him right away. Thankfully Max was at preschool and my mom was home and more than willing to watch Nicholas (my mom has been so much help, I am really grateful she is close by). I made the 50 minute drive to the hospital and sure enough my contractions were about 6 minutes apart consistently and my belly was so sore, it felt like I had been punched and kicked and was now bruised. He checked me and luckily I was not dilating yet. The labor and delivery nurses put me on monitors, which is extremely tricky with two heart beats. What the doctor thinks happened is that yesterday I pulled a muscle in my belly (the bruised feeling and the pain I felt while driving) and for some reason that sent me into contractions. They gave me medication to stop the contractions, a steroid shot to boost the babies lungs (I have to get another one tomorrow) just in case I do deliver early, another pill for an infection that was starting and a whole lot of monitoring. He wondered why I waited all through the night to come in, well who knew that driving a car could pull a muscle (does that tell you what kind of shape I am in) which could start contractions. Crazy. So he sent me home after a few hours and made me promise to lie down and be on bedrest until I see him tomorrow. On a side note can I just tell you what an amazing husband I have...Chad has had so much on his plate and yet he just comes home sends me to bed and takes over as mr. amazing dad!!! I love him and pray for him to have so much success. I know at some point our life will slow down and we will enjoy the "dull moments". I am just so happy that they were able to get my contractions to stop because we want these babies to stay in there at least for 7 more least!


  1. i LOVE this blog! i wish you could be pregnant with twins forever, but only for my own sake. for you, i wish they come on time haha. i think you're amazing!

  2. So scary. I'm glad they got everything under control.
