Tuesday, September 11, 2012

Blah Blah Blah

Seriously some days I think that there is no way I am going to make it! Today was one of them.  Chayce has taken up hitting.  He likes to hit and thinks it is funny when I get angry...grrrr!   So this afternoon I was talking on the phone to my sister who has had the most unbelievably worst year of anyone's life.  And all of a sudden Nicholas smacks Chandler in the face with a car so Chandler is screaming, I get super angry with Nicholas so he starts screaming and then Chayce comes and smacks Nicholas and I get mad at Chayce and he starts screaming...remember I am still on a phone call with my sister.  Sigh.  Well if nothing else these occurrences didn't make my sister's life seem SO bad to her and probably made her a little happy for her problems.  (not really, what she is dealing with really stinks)  

Chad has a new job.  He loves this job.  This job requires him to do a fair amount of traveling, that is the down side of this job.  It's really hard for me to have him gone, he helps me out SO much and I love his company. The kids miss him too when he is gone, in some of my kids eyes he can do no wrong (gag) and I can do no right.  I am okay with that.  On the days he is gone it's a lot of work for me.  Getting kids fed, ready for school.  Scripture study, family prayer, carpools, cleaning (what little gets done), chasing, disciplining, homework, fixing meals (tonight is was Dominos Pizza) and bedtimes. Chayce and Chandler are harder in ways and easier in other ways.  They play with toys more but get easily bored and want to move on to something else, like hitting.  They wrestle and chase each other until someone trips or someone starts hitting.  They fight over toys (reminder to never buy one toy, always by two of the same toy)  They LOVE to go "bye bye" and so does mom but where do you go with two babies in tow?  By the time everyone goes to bed, I am EXHAUSTED!! And that is when I am reminded of how blessed I am.  When I walk through my quiet house and check on all my sleeping kids, it's then that I think, "I can do this".  HA!  And then morning comes again and I am slapped in the face with reality.  I love my reality.  Sometimes I wonder if I am doing anything right and sometimes I just give myself credit for putting the same amount of kids to bed that woke up that morning.  

We LOVE Garbage Day!!!

Sunday, September 2, 2012

Sick Sunday Babies

I am sitting at home while most of my family is at church.  I have three sleeping babies, one who is not feeling very well.  It has been over a month since I have been able to attend all of my church meetings.  I miss it.  I miss sitting with my children, I miss the association I have with members of my church.  I miss feeling the spirit of testimony, the Gospel and the good people (friends) who I get to see by attending church.  I am grateful for these three little stinkers who I get to stay home with. I am grateful that I am trusted to care for them, love them, laugh with them and hold them.  I know that this is my "time and season" to care for babies, not travel with my husband (as much as I would like), I don't get to exercise at my leisure, or do as I please for myself.  Instead I am changing LOTS of diapers, kissing "owies", cutting up apples, cleaning up mess after mess after mess, doing countless loads of laundry and sometimes getting them folded.  My babies are growing, growing very quickly and I know that I will someday miss there sweet hugs, slobbery kisses, silly giggles and their innocence.  I am forever in awe at the trust my Heavenly Father has put in me.  There is a lot of responsibility in caring for children.  I have nine of them that I must teach correct principles, be a good example to, love unconditionally, build their self esteem, discipline, encourage, correct, and make sure that they are happy.  It gets overwhelming.  But I am not asked to do this alone. I have an amazing partner at my side who is my strength, my support, my best friend.  I am grateful that my children are blessed with a loving, caring daddy who amazes me daily with his guidance, sacrifice, energy, happiness and unconditional love. 
 I am blessed.  I am grateful.  I am happy.

Life is Good

We moved the babies into Nicholas' room.  So now it's one big party!!  I am so surprised at how well they all do.  The first night they were in there and we put Nicholas to bed he said "GET THOSE OUT!"  But every since then they have loved it.  They talk and giggle for a while before going to sleep and then again when they wake up.  I think these three will be pretty good friends for life.  
(I still have decorating to do in this room)

I have learned this to be true, what a wise woman Sister Hinckley was.

“We women have a lot to learn about simplifying our lives. We have to decide what is important and then move along at a pace that is comfortable for us. We have to develop the maturity to stop trying to prove something. We have to learn to be content with what we are.”
-Marjorie Pay Hinckley

Monday, July 23, 2012

Naughty but I love em!

I know it's been a while since I have posted.  I cannot believe how unbelievably crazy life has been since my kids all got out of school.  It's crazy, I'm crazy.  Having all nine kids home has been...EXHAUSTING!!  The oldest five have swim team every morning starting at 6:30 AM and we go full speed from there.  I haven't been able to exercise one day this summer, I have no time for me...I really miss exercising and I was doing so good.  I will just have to be ok with starting again once school gets back in session and being ok with the pounds that I have put on because of the lack of "me" time.  Time and Season for everything! (I tell myself that a lot!)  

We are a big family.  There are lots of us.  Our house is feeling incredibly small as of late.  My kids are getting bigger.  Their friends are bigger.  I have always wanted to have one of those homes where the kids want to hang out.  That was the way it was when my big kids were little.  We had everyone over all of the time.  Not so much as of late.  The big kids like to go else where, where there aren't so many babies and where they can have some space.  That makes me sad.  We recently moved the babies out of my closet (finally) and into what used to be the computer and TV room.  Now that is no longer available for the big kids.  That is why it has been so long since I have posted...babies sleeping which means no access to the computer.  I really want a bigger home...like really, really bad!  I think I will get it someday, if I just keep thinking positively and have lots of faith.  (SMILE) 

 I love to bake, like really love it!  If I could do a side business I would bake treats for company parties.  This also comes in handy when you have a house full of kids and want their friends to hang at your house. "If you feed them...they will come!" I do believe that to be true!!!  Unfortunately I am an emotional eater/baker and when my house is crazy and I am feeling out of control or just lonely from lack of a husband (he is now traveling with his new job) I bake and I eat what I bake.  Sigh...I so wish I had my friend from high schools metabolism, she couldn't gain weight if she tried (Alisha).  NICE!

Now onto the babies.  They are out of control.  Seriously.  They are crazy little wild monsters who are so stinkin cute!  I adore them, they make me smile every day, many many times.  They are hard.  They are busy.  They are destructive.  They are funny.  They are STINKERS!!!  Chayce and Chandler are now climbing anything and everything.  I have to keep all of my kitchen chairs laying down on the ground, if one chair is left up than a baby (usually Chandler) is dancing and clapping on the counter tops.  When they are in their highchairs they have to be buckled in at all times or they will stand on their trays. I have found them on top of the piano, the computer, they climb into each others cribs.  They dump out everything.  I have baskets with shoes in them, they dump them out at least three times a day.  You cannot unload the dishwasher if they are awake or they take off with the silver ware (knives) and run crazily through the house giggling.  I love these two little Turkeys, they make me crazy but I love them!!!  I get NOTHING done.  NOTHING.   They started nursery last week and did great, the first day.  Then the next Sunday came.  We made it through the Sacrament and then all heck broke out on our bench.  I had two babies and a two year old all fighting over a piece of candy and my lap.  So I walked out with crying kiddos and a lot sweat.  Luckily I belong to the greatest ward on earth and met my home teacher as well as my visiting teacher in the foyer.  One took a baby, one took a two year old and I had the other baby.  Next it was on to Nursery.  I had high hopes because of the week before.  Not so much.  Chandler screamed and screamed and screamed.  There was no consoling him.  So they found me, and Chayce, Chandler and myself headed for a nap at home.  Better luck next week.   Just thinking about a next week makes me tired and my stomach hurt.  I just have to laugh. 
 Sister Marjorie Hinckley said "I could either laugh or cry, I prefer to laugh, crying gives me a headache!" 

The boys are growing up quickly, too quickly.  Chayce is talking more than Chandler is.  Chayce says cracker, go, stop, mama.  Chandler just giggles and whines.  He is my whiner and complainer.  They crack me up.  They will look at each other and just start giggling.  I love it.  When they are in their beds I can hear them chattering and then they start cracking up. It's hilarious.  So unique and so fun!  I cannot believe how crazy life is right now, I am hoping that I can start feeling some control soon.  I think that some of that control will come when I get a bigger house. (Positive thinking!) (Grass is always Greener, etc)  Nothing is in the works right now but I am "putting it out there" and praying really, really hard that it happens soon.
Life is Crazy.  Life is Unpredictable.  Life is Busy.  

Life is Good!!!

Monday, May 7, 2012

Rub a dub dub

 Bath time at our house is a big mess!!  Between Chandler splashing, Chayce diving out of the tub in search of the toy he just threw across the room and Nicholas screaming because the babies are splashing and bugging him.  It's quite the party!!!  Getting them out is another fun experience.  I have to have one of the kids help by watching the babies while I take them out one at a time dry them off, dress them and then it's on to the next one.  By the time it is all done, there is water EVERYWHERE and I am soaked!  But they love it and they are so dang cute.  Three little buddies in one little tubby.
 Not sure what face Chandler is making in this photo. Ha Ha!

 Chayce, Chandler

Look at those eyelashes!

Rub a dub dub...LOVE these boys in the tub!!!

Monday, April 23, 2012

A Walk by Faith

 This blog is not only my "Twin" blog but I also use it occasionally as a "Life" blog. Life since we have had the twins has been full of ups and downs, unknowns, blessings, discouragement, scarcity, love, laughter, tears, learning, fear, faith and optimism.  We have experienced so many different emotions during the last few years.  We have had some awesome faith promoting trials. We have never had to "walk by faith" as much as we have had to lately.  Our most recent "experience" was that of unemployment.  But before the unemployment was a year of my husband not loving his job.  Not being respected at his job.  Coming home and being miserable and discouraged because of his job.  It was hard not only for  him but for his family.  So when the "lay off" occurred we had many mixed feelings.  A relief that this job would no longer plaque our family and the spirit in our home.   A feeling of panic, would we find a job and would we find one quick enough before the money and benefits ran out.  Would we find a job that would utilize Chad's talents and abilities, one that he would love and one that would love him in return.   We have nine children to take care of, be positive for, show encouragement, teach faith to and allow them to feel safe and provided for.  Loosing a job is scary.   Chad loosing a job is faith promoting because he was positive, never outwardly discouraged, he "knew" everything was going to turn out great.  Not once did he doubt that he would be placed in a better situation.  He constantly told me, "It's all going to turn out great".  I marveled at his optimism.  I myself wasn't as optimistic.  Shame on me.  I lacked the faith that Chad had.  I knew it would all turn out just as Heavenly Father would have it but I was tired of walking in the dark.  I didn't want to any more.  I hated the "unknown".  I didn't look at it as a chance to grow and experience something great.  Shame on me.  Now I look back on our experience and I can see the many, many miracles we experienced almost on a daily basis.  We were looked out for, taken care of and many prayers were answered.  I needed to learn this.  I needed to see the faith in my husband that I lacked.  What a blessing for me to have him.  To be married to someone who is so faithful, positive, reassuring and encouraging.   I love this man.  During this "experience" Chad received a Priesthood blessing from a man we both respect greatly.  In this blessing Chad was promised that a door would be opened but not in a traditional way.  A door that we would know was opened by the hand of God.  That we would KNOW was provided for us.  And that is exactly what happened.  A door was opened.  Chad did not apply for this position.  The position found him. And they believed HE was an answer to their prayers.  Isn't it funny how the Lord works?  A blessing to not only the employee but to the employer.  A job was being provided that perfectly fit Chad's talents and abilities. A job ran by amazing men who are lead by the Spirit, who are all about their families, goals, ethics and positive energy.  I job that Chad will love.  
He is so happy. 
 I am so happy.  
We are so blessed.  
Life IS Good

Friday, April 20, 2012

15 Months

My babies are growing up way too fast!!  Yesterday the boys had their 15 month check up.  I took Chad with me to their appointment since he is not working right now.  I think he got a greater appreciation for all previous appointments I went without him.  YIKES!  These babies are busy.  Trying to wrestle two 15 month old boys in a little room with drawers and cabinets for them to open and pull everything out of.  Plus wanting to touch, pull, drag and destroy anything they could get their little hands on. It was exhausting.  But happy to report they are growing and developing right on track!

Chayce is  25.7 pounds 
Chandler is 24.5 pounds 
Chayce is 31 inches long 
Chandler is 31 inches long 

They are both walking, saying a few more words (ma ma, da da, night night, no no, dog, ball, book), eating whatever they can get their hands on (on or off the floor).  They continue to sleep great and are so busy...I mean SO BUSY!!  I thought if would get easier as they got older...not so much.  They now go in many different directions, very fast.  They love to pull items out of cupboards, drawers, plants, bags, etc.  They love to give kisses and still enjoy cuddling.  Church is a nightmare.  We make it through Sacrament meeting...barely and that's about it.  Only 3 more months until they go into Nursery.  Watch out Nursery!!!

 They continue to be a joy in our family and I love watching them grow, develop and interact with one another.  We feel truly blessed to have these two little stinkers.    

Monday, April 9, 2012

Happy Easter Brothers!!

We had a lovely Easter!  
 We spent the afternoon at grandma's house.  Here is Dad trying to relax with his boys on the hammock.  
Ya Right...relax!

 Chayce loving his big brother's Easter Basket
 Chandler wants in on it too!

 Peek A Boo Chandler
 Trying to take a picture of these two is so difficult...the little Stinkers!!

Happy Easter Buddies!

Wednesday, March 21, 2012


 Playtime at our house is all of the time when these boys aren't napping.  They are so fun and playful and giggly, it's so dang cute.  They just giggle all of the time.
Our living room now looks like a playroom.  Our actual playroom is downstairs but since the boys don't go down there much we had to bring some of the toys upstairs.

 Now that the weather is warming up these two buddies love to be outside but when they can't be they love to look out the front door.  I have to keep it locked all of the time because Chandler has figure out how to open it and helps himself to the front yard...YIKES!!!
 Chandler is starting to walk more, it's so cute.
(notice the massive bag of diapers by the door, that is just from today and yesterday afternoon)
 Chayce is a much stronger walker, though he walks with his legs far apart and is so proud of himself.  Giggling the whole way.
 They also like to do tricks, this is Chayce's favorite.
 Partners in Crime! Here they are going through the diaper bag pulling everything out.

And this has been Nicholas as of late.  The babies drive him CRAZY!!  He is not super patient with them and is having a hard time sharing his mommy.  

Chayce and Chandler are now:
*Walking (Chayce is much better at this than Chandler right now, because Chandler is all about speed and he is a much faster crawler than walker)
*Saying a few words: night night, mom, dad, ball
*loves eggs, wheat toast with honey butter, oatmeal and fruit, spaghetti, cinnamon toast crunch
*Sleeping at night between 12-14 hours.  Napping 3-4 hours
*Since they were sick all last month, Chandler lost some weight so now Chayce is bigger and heavier than Chandler.
*LOVES to be outside
*Loves to snuggle with mom (I LOVE this too) 
*Chandler is busier than Chayce, makes a run for the door if it even looks like it's open, he also crawls as fast as he can in the direction of the phone when it rings (as if he is going to beat me to it and answer it)  Chayce is happy to just kind of hang out and watch his brother go go go.
*Happy little guys getting busier and busier every day.  

Saturday, March 17, 2012

So Handsome, So Big

 Look at this crazy, curly, shaggy hair!! So cute but so girly...

 Chandler was first.
 Look at that hair!!! 
It was hard to get it cut, my babies NEVER have hair before age 2 and I haven't had any curly headed kids.
 My friend Stacy cut it for us, the boys did great!  Just a little whimpering was all we heard.

 Chayce was next and wasn't too sure he was ok with this...
 After Chandler's haircut and just before Chayce's haircut.
 Look at those beautiful locks...sniff sniff
 Oh this look broke my heart, never crying just sad

What handsome little boys!!