Monday, April 23, 2012

A Walk by Faith

 This blog is not only my "Twin" blog but I also use it occasionally as a "Life" blog. Life since we have had the twins has been full of ups and downs, unknowns, blessings, discouragement, scarcity, love, laughter, tears, learning, fear, faith and optimism.  We have experienced so many different emotions during the last few years.  We have had some awesome faith promoting trials. We have never had to "walk by faith" as much as we have had to lately.  Our most recent "experience" was that of unemployment.  But before the unemployment was a year of my husband not loving his job.  Not being respected at his job.  Coming home and being miserable and discouraged because of his job.  It was hard not only for  him but for his family.  So when the "lay off" occurred we had many mixed feelings.  A relief that this job would no longer plaque our family and the spirit in our home.   A feeling of panic, would we find a job and would we find one quick enough before the money and benefits ran out.  Would we find a job that would utilize Chad's talents and abilities, one that he would love and one that would love him in return.   We have nine children to take care of, be positive for, show encouragement, teach faith to and allow them to feel safe and provided for.  Loosing a job is scary.   Chad loosing a job is faith promoting because he was positive, never outwardly discouraged, he "knew" everything was going to turn out great.  Not once did he doubt that he would be placed in a better situation.  He constantly told me, "It's all going to turn out great".  I marveled at his optimism.  I myself wasn't as optimistic.  Shame on me.  I lacked the faith that Chad had.  I knew it would all turn out just as Heavenly Father would have it but I was tired of walking in the dark.  I didn't want to any more.  I hated the "unknown".  I didn't look at it as a chance to grow and experience something great.  Shame on me.  Now I look back on our experience and I can see the many, many miracles we experienced almost on a daily basis.  We were looked out for, taken care of and many prayers were answered.  I needed to learn this.  I needed to see the faith in my husband that I lacked.  What a blessing for me to have him.  To be married to someone who is so faithful, positive, reassuring and encouraging.   I love this man.  During this "experience" Chad received a Priesthood blessing from a man we both respect greatly.  In this blessing Chad was promised that a door would be opened but not in a traditional way.  A door that we would know was opened by the hand of God.  That we would KNOW was provided for us.  And that is exactly what happened.  A door was opened.  Chad did not apply for this position.  The position found him. And they believed HE was an answer to their prayers.  Isn't it funny how the Lord works?  A blessing to not only the employee but to the employer.  A job was being provided that perfectly fit Chad's talents and abilities. A job ran by amazing men who are lead by the Spirit, who are all about their families, goals, ethics and positive energy.  I job that Chad will love.  
He is so happy. 
 I am so happy.  
We are so blessed.  
Life IS Good


  1. Don't feel bad that you lacked a little faith - I was right there with you when Gary was laid off. The good news is that you can look back now and see the miracles and when tough times happen again (because we all know they will), you can do better. :)

    1. That wasn't Gary though... that was me - Jana. :)
