Thursday, September 30, 2010

My last "Hurrah"

The last couple of days I have been lounging by a pool surrounded by the ocean and palm trees at the Ritz Carlton Dana Point, CA. It was wonderful!!! A friend of mine had a business conference there and let me tag along. All I did was lay around and read. That is it. My doctor told me that I had better enjoy it because it was going to be my last "Hurrah" for a long...long time. So I did. I kept looking around taking mental pictures of the beautiful sunset over the ocean and the breeze. My thoughts were "Remember this Cassie in February when you are stuck inside, it is freezing and you have three babies" so hopefully I will do just that. I am so grateful for the opportunity. I am also grateful that I was missed...I mean really, really missed! My kids were so happy to see me and I was happy to see them to. I love my kids! I love my family! I love my crazy life! I love that Chad was able to balance between church, kids and work so I could enjoy three days of relaxation. He is really the best!!! Now as I look forward to the next 3 months I can't help but get a lump in my throat not knowing what to expect. With the holidays, the change in weather, my babies getting bigger and bigger. It's all the unknown...but I am ready, I think...bring it on!

Tuesday, September 21, 2010

They look great!

I just returned from my doctor's appointment. Both babies look "perfect"! Baby A is measuring 1 pound 2 oz with a heart rate at 160 bpm and Baby B is exactly 1 pound with a heart rate at 150 bpm. They are so close. There is only the smallest little membrane separating these two buddies. They are both head down right now, right next to each other, in exactly the same position. Amazing!! The technician said that she is almost for certain they are identical twins. I still can't wrap my head around this. So crazy.

I was walking down the hall at church on Sunday with Nicholas and his car seat, Bro. Norman passed me and just started to giggle. He said "I am so anxious to see how this all works out in about 4 months." I had to laugh as well. It is all so overwhelming. My next appointment I go and see the specialist, the Perinatologist who will do a very in depth ultra sound to make sure all is well with both babies. My doctor told me that I should enjoy these next couple of weeks. He is not limiting my activities..YET! Were his words. He is also concerned with how far away we live from the hospital, on a good day it takes 45 minutes from my house to the hospital, that is with no traffic and no weather restrictions. He said that this is definitely something we will have to discuss in the near future!! He said that preterm labor is his biggest concern with me. My thoughts were" I have never dialated on my own and have always had to be induced late shouldn't that be in my favor?" He said No, that a twin pregnancy is a whole different ball game. He did say that at my next appointment we can fill out the paperwork for a temporary handicap license plate. That will be so great for the holiday season. Each appointment gets more interesting. I am just so relieved to see these two little boys and to see them developing normally and healthy!!!
Life is Good!

Monday, September 20, 2010

22 weeks

Tomorrow I am having another ultra sound. Feeling nervous for this one. With this pregnancy I am a bundle of nerves. I am always worried something is not right because it is so different. I am anxious to get to my doctor and make sure all is well and happy with my two little buddies. I will update as soon as I can!

Wednesday, September 15, 2010

Moo Moo

I have a moo moo (apparently it is spelled Muu Muu but I feel like the other spelling fits best). Yes, I must confess, I bought me a gigantic moo moo looking night dress. It's red and has small jewels embroidered on the square neck. It's the most wonderful item of clothing I have. I bought it a couple of months ago on a 70% off clearance rack at Dillards. I just pulled it out last night. I put it on while I was getting the kids ready for bed. Tyler told me it was Beautiful. Sydney said to me "Wow mom, that is one big night gown". Then she asked me today if I would please wear it again tonight. It is huge, it is light weight and it is the most comfortable thing I have ever owned. Maybe I will post a picture later in my pregnancy, maybe I won't! I think I need to get a couple more of these wonderful items of clothing for the next couple of months. I really hope I don't totally fill it out, I am not planning too. I hope it stays this comfortable and this wonderful the rest of the pregnancy and possibly beyond. I strongly encourage anyone and everyone to purchase one of the gigantic pieces of heaven if they ever see the opportunity!!! Oh and if you see any on cheap clearance please let me know!!!

Monday, September 13, 2010


People keep asking me if I have felt the babies move yet. I was starting to get a little worried because I had felt some just not very much. But lately I have definitely been feeling more. It is a little strange because I feel them in two different places but never at the same time, I can't imagine what that will be like. Usually I feel one right below my right rib cage and the other on my lower left side. It's nice when I feel them move, it reassures me. I know, I know I need to quit worrying but that will never happen. I get another ultra sound next week, Hooray!! I love getting the ultrasounds. Yesterday was fun, we showed the kids the ultrasound DVD that I had taken last time. They were amazed at how "real" they were. Baby B was even sucking his thumb through most of it. I think it made the kids realize that there really is something going on in there. I could watch it over and over, to me it's fascinating.

I am definitely getting bigger and bigger. My friend asked me "isn't it hard for you to bend over" the answer...YES!! It's so hard. I try to pick everything up with my toes but for the bigger items, like Nicholas I have to bend and remember to use my legs instead of my back. Not sure how long I am going to be able to bend down and pick up my 23 pound baby. I do a lot of sitting on the floor next to him...but then I always have to get back up at some point. When I think about having an active one year old and two new born babies I kind of get freaked. I can't really wrap my head around it. Not sure how this is going to happen, it will happen just not sure how I will handle it all. Lots of tears and chocolate. Then I think of these three buddies hanging out together and it makes me smile.

Tuesday, September 7, 2010

20 week appointment

I just got back from the doctors office. Last time I went, which was 2 weeks ago I was measuring at 22 weeks, this week I am measuring at 26 weeks. I am growing at a rapid pace. I have been feeling it, I figured I must be getting bigger, not only because clothes do not fit but because my ligaments are sure stretching...ouch! This was my first appointment not getting an ultrasound. I didn't like that. I like seeing these two little guys. He did check the heartbeats and they sound great. My next appointment I will be getting another ultrasound. I like the ultrasounds. It reassures me that all is well. I will also be seeing the perinatologist (specialist) in the near future just as a precaution. All seems to be well, still just really tired in the afternoons, hungry at night and wishing that my husband was more of a culinary artist than he is. (Garlic bread just doesn't cut it honey)!

Thursday, September 2, 2010

Almost 20 weeks...

Ok so I got brave again, these are for you Tara!!! I really don't like myself in pictures. But here you go, I was thinking I was 20 weeks but I am actually just about 19 weeks...close enough. I am to the half way point for having twins. These pictures were taken right after I took a shower...with wet hair in a pony tail and no makeup! Which is what I look like most days because it takes an effort to do myself up plus I never feel like it helps. I was trying to suck in my chubby cheeks on the second picture, kinda silly I know but I have to make it fun, right?