Wednesday, October 13, 2010

24 and 1/2

I just returned from my appointment with the Perientologist. It went great!!! The babies look perfect. They are measuring 1 pound 12 oz and 1 pound 13 oz and everything else about them are exactly the same. The doctor said that he believes I will have these babies in 2011...which is great news! I don't want them here early. He said that with all of my other healthy pregnancies I should have no problem delivering them at 37 weeks! Woo Hoo great news! It was so fun to see these two buddies. They have gotten so big since the last ultra sound three weeks ago. It looked as though at one point they were having a boxing match with each other. I can sure feel baby B more than baby A, baby B is very active and baby A seems a little more mellow. The specialist also reviewed all of the other ultrasounds up to the very first one and said that these boys are definitely identical twins. Crazy! My boys look so much alike already I can't image two almost the same. I am finding myself loving on and enjoying my 9 month old Nicholas a little more than I think I did with my others. He is super cuddly and I make sure I cherish those times even more than before. I just don't want him to grow up too fast, he is so sweet and I sure enjoy every day with him. Tomorrow I go into my OBGYN and do my glucose testing and have a regular appointment. I am so happy to have seen my babies today and know that all is well. Life is Good!


  1. So happy to hear (and wish I could cuddle up with your little Nick as well)!

  2. That is so great to hear! I'm so excited for you. Emery is almost 11 months and I can't believe how big she is getting. I only wish she would cuddle with me. Cherish the cuddling as much as u can. For the both of us. Ha.

  3. What great news! Your mom was in my living room when you called...we had a great brunch! Hope things continue to go well!

  4. Such good news! :) And now...we need some updated belly pics of you!!!! :)
