Tuesday, August 24, 2010

It's Official...

I just got back from my Dr.s appointment and we are having...BOYS! Yup, and they believe that they will be identical. (I guess the only true way to tell is by DNA testing) But because they are sharing one placenta and have such a thin membrane between the two of them they believe that they will be identical. So fun! I am really, really excited. It was so cool to be able to see them today, their cute little heads were right next to each other. Both babies are measuring the exact same weight and height. Baby A has a heart beat of 153 and Baby B has a heart beat of 150. Baby B looked like he was sucking his thumb...too cute! Both babies checked out great. Both have healthy four chamber hearts, their inners all looked great! Arms, legs and face looked great. I now start having ultra sound appointments every two weeks. That is so fun to be able to see them grow and wow are they growing fast. The tech said that this will probably be the last time that she can get them both on the screen at once because they are getting so big. I myself am measuring at 22 weeks if it was one baby. So I am measuring about 5 weeks bigger since their are two. Which is right on track. So now to think about names. We have an idea of what we want to name these two little buddies, what are your ideas??


  1. yay!! Congratulations. I'm slightly jealous. We want five but this may be the last, twins would make that decision easier.

  2. Tweedle Dee and Tweedle Deeper

    Taran and Zaran

    Bradley and Bradford

    I could go on...

  3. Take what you like & go out on your front porch and yell it! If it sounds good then use it BC you will be doing that for the next 18 years! Hee hee!

  4. Braden and Bentley

    -Melissa Mendola-Moffett
