Wednesday, August 25, 2010

Some Days...

Some days I am just so exhausted I can't even think. I can't even think about cleaning my house, or making dinner, or doing homework, or answering my door because I know it is another "friend" looking for a Kerby to play with. Some days I just cry because I don't know what else to do. Not because I am depressed or hurt just because I want to. Some days I am overwhelmed with my life, my responsibilities, my husband's responsibilities, the pressure I put on myself to just make it until tomorrow. Some days if another kid cries or screams or thinks that life is unfair it makes me want to scream and cry and think that life is unfair. But I cant. I am the mom. I love my kids, I love my life. Do my kids drive me crazy some days...You Bet! Do I drive them crazy some days...You better believe it. This is the life I choose. It's a good one. Some days it's a GREAT one!!

While Chad and I were dating and when we were first married we had somewhat of a motto. "The Future is Bright!" That is how we signed every letter to each other, any cute little note to each other ended in our motto. Some days I forget it. I need to remember it. Because we are so lucky and so blessed in so many ways...

"The Future is Bright!"

So we think we have two names that we love for these two little buddies. We are liking Chandler Reed and Chase Robert. What do you think?

1 comment:

  1. I hear you about feeling exhausted...and I only have 5 kiddos! :) And I LOVE the names Chase and Chandler!
