Wednesday, July 28, 2010

My oh my!!

Wow! I am suddenly feeling a whole lot of anxiety. Not about the pregnancy so much right now, more about raising all of these kids.

How do I make sure that each one's emotional and physical needs are met? How do I make sure that each one feels like an individual, loved and appreciated in our family and not like a Herd of Cattle? How do I tackle homework, reading and daily emotions weather they be up or down? How do we take care of all of the financial needs; clothing, lessons, Jr. High and High school fees, after school activities, costumes/uniforms, activities, etc. How do I make sure that I am raising hard working, polite, respectful children who have a desire to serve others. How do I make sure that we have a lot of fun and create great memories to talk about throughout our lives? All of these have been weighing heavily on my mind lately. It is all so overwhelming.
I know that it takes a village to raise a child but what does it take to raise a village?

I have to step back and realize that my Heavenly Father is in charge and will help me, he has entrusted all of these children to me and Chad. We have to have faith in order to do this, there is no other way! It is still overwhelming, can I do this? Can I do this right? Can I have the family relationships that I have always desired for my children to have with one another?
Oh wow, I am getting all tensed up just writing this down. I need to relax and take it one day at a time. (Definitely easier said than done)

A good thing is I am starting to have more energy. I have gone three days without a nap...not because I have not wanted one but because it has not been possible. And I feel ok. I will take ok.

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