Tuesday, December 7, 2010

Photo Shoot

Here is a picture of their two little round heads right next to each other...Breech!

Today I had a doctor's appointment as well as an ultrasound. The babies look great! They believe that one is 4 pounds 10 oz and the other is 4 pounds 11 oz. The only disappointing part of this appointment is that they are both breech. I was so bummed. The chances of them turning at this point is about 10 percent. My doctor said that it is extremely difficult to turn twins, they have to turn on their own and since they are already so big it won't likely happen. Oh but I pray it does!!!!

This might be difficult to see but I can see it clear as day, here is Baby B's cute little face. He is already getting little chubby cheeks. So cute!

And the most amazing picture...They both have hair! My babies are always bald! Seriously I thought this was crazy, but there you can see it on top of their little heads...Hair!

It was a great appointment. The nurses and doctor are amazed that I am doing so great. I don't go and see him for another two weeks. I am so grateful that everything has gone so well, I hope it continues to go well. You know what another great thing is??? I have only gained 19 pounds! Granted I had weight to loose before this pregnancy but I am thrilled since 10 pounds of that is all baby.
I am exhausted, I need a nap.
Until next time...Good night!


  1. I am so in love with those babies already. I love these pictures and I can totally see that baby's fat little face too. I'm actually choked up seeing them. So glad they are healthy! Darn their little hides for facing the wrong way...

  2. Wow! 5 lbs, that amazing. So happy you are doing so well. Hope they turn but if they don't you will still have 2 healthy fat babies, plus a skinny Mom. You are so blessed to be able to carry them this long

  3. That chubby little face is so cute...and to be able to see their hair is amazing!! Only one was breech last time right? So, if one can flip I'm sure they can both flip back. :-)

  4. i am so with tara!! i love them too!!! i cant wait to see them in person...you are amazing to me!!! super great example! ♥ya
