Friday, September 20, 2013

Tricks of the Trade

I have been thinking about my life with twin boys and I have come to realize that I have learned some new and creative ways to parent.  While most of my friends are off exercising, going back to school, studying or doing the next great DIY project I am living in my days of mothering two two-year olds and a three year old while my six other children are at school. I am learning and discovering great "tricks" that keep this momma (somewhat) sane.  For example; this morning I discovered if I keep my bedroom cold enough when I get Chayce and Chandler up for their diaper change and chocolate milk they get chillled and want to snuggle under my covers and watch Bubble Guppies.  So that gives me at least an extra 20 minutes in my day until they warm up enough to come out and start playing/exploring/messing etc. My next discovery was today as I was leaving Costco.  I had my groceries loaded and was on my way home (in time to meet my preschooler) and decided to get my boys a kids meal from Chick Fil A. (It was Friday after all) .  I handed the boys their bag which at this point I had dumped the nuggets as well as the fries all in the bag and took out every thing else.  So all they had to do was reach in and pull out either a fry or a nugget (don't judge, I LOVE their nuggets), plus it cooled off the incredibly hot french fries in a jiffy.  I unloaded all my groceries while my boys sat in their carseats eating their lunch.  As they finished their bag of fried yumminess I gave them their chocolate milk that came with the kids meal.  That gave me enough time to put my groceries away.  (Granted it was a beautiful fall day, not at all hot and I left the doors to the car open so they were plenty cool.) When I got them out of their carseats and brought them into the house my Costco groceries were all put away without any extra help and my two darlings were full and happy from their lunch and ready for naptime.  It was almost magical. I have also learned that if you buy trucks for the boys make sure that even though the package of  trucks from Costco comes with 6 trucks (each getting 3) buy two packs of them.  BECAUSE there is only ONE tractor in this package.  And you must have two tractors to be happy.  Two boys+Two Tractors=Happy Momma!  See I am becoming so smart.  Another smart mom of twin boys tip...Buy lots of footie PJs and Safety pins.  Safety pins fasten nicely under the pull of the zipper when you zip up the jammies so they can not zip off the jammies and get naked and make messes and so forth.  When it is summertime and the temperature gets warmer here is the easy solution to footie jammies...cut off the footies and the long sleeves (yes they may look quite rediculous but I promise you, it  wont matter) but really, don't try to have them wear any other jammies because the zippers create much less mess in the long run, if you get my drift. (sometimes it's stinky!)    If you must put the boys in any other jammies besides the footie jammies make sure you have plenty of duct tape on hand.  And make sure when you are duct taping the diaper that you tape the entire waste of the diaper.  If not, they can pull off the the tape or get their partner in crime to assist them in pulling off the tape.  You may not discover this until morning...And let me tell you that you will have quite the "mess" on yours (and theirs) hands.
You are so welcome for these tips!  You may have already discovered them for yourselves if that is the case then shame on you for not sharing them with me,
Because I am thinking I am pretty brilliant.


1 comment:

  1. Hi Cassie! My name is Heather and I was just wondering if you would be willing to answer my quick question about your blog! My email is Lifesabanquet1(at)gmail(dot)com :-)
