Tuesday, March 15, 2011

Wide Load

Just as I was leaving on my "stroll" with Chayce, Nicholas and Chandler.

Today I ventured out. It was lovely. I received a triple jogging stroller for my birthday and I have been dying to try it out. It is really big but really awesome! I love it. So today I thought because it was a beautiful day, Nicholas LOVES to go on walks and the sun was actually out I thought I would just take a quick little stroll down to the corner and back, just to try it out. Well I got a little wind in my sail and I ended up walking TWO miles up some pretty awesome hills!!! I am going to be sore tomorrow but it felt so good!!!

This was the first hill I concurred.
I absolutely love where I live, I love the beautiful view, it's awesome. I never get used to it.

This was hill #2. It was so fun to do this, I can't wait to go again. Too bad that the weather is supposed to turn cold so I think I will have to wait a few days before I can do this again. It will probably take my body a little while to recover from today's "stroll" any way.
I think the babies loved the walk and I sure enjoyed the fresh air.
I felt so great!!
A reward of Tillamook Chocolate Ice Cream was just what I needed!
(Maybe next time I will choose to eat healthier to end my walk but this was cause to celebrate!!)


  1. This last picture of you is TERRIFIC! You look great Sass...

  2. you look AMAZING - like glowing. And those boys are sure cute :)

  3. Wonder Woman strikes again! I didn't even know they made triple joggers. . . who'd have thought?? And, yes, you look fantastic!

  4. You look so dang cute and LOVE LOVE LOVE those little ones!!!!!! YOU GO GIRL!

  5. You are AMAZING, Cassie!!!! You look fabulous for just having twins...and for just walking that stroller up 2 mile hills!!!! Rock on Sister!!!

  6. You really look great! I would love to walk with you - how beautiful!
