Saturday, December 14, 2013

A new chapter

I have been told I should write a book.  I would love to write a book but I really have no idea how to do that.  But if I did write a book I would be writing the end of a chapter.  Not the end of the first chapter, just an end to a chapter.  I am getting a Hysterectomy. This decision has not been an easy one for me.  I have struggled with this.  Not because I wanted more children, I am pretty sure that I am maxed out.  It's just so definitive.  I used to pray when I was in my teens that I would be blessed with many children.  I always knew I wanted 8 children.  I would pray that someday I would have 8 children. (I got a bonus, woo hoo!) My sister struggled with infertility and I saw the pain she endured.  It was a concern of mine that I too would struggle with infertility.  Well I had quite the opposite.  I never had trouble getting pregnant.  I had more trouble NOT getting pregnant. I was beyond grateful. So when my doctor told me that he thought a Hysterectomy was something I should really consider I was shocked.  In a way it was nice to know that medically I was done having children but in another way it made me so sad knowing that I was done, really and truly done.  I feel like I am being led to the next chapter.  I have nine healthy, active and needy children.  They need me. And I need them.  I need to focus on their upcoming years.  I am excited and anxious for this next chapter. I enjoy my kids. I love each one of them and am grateful for our large, crazy family.  I prayed for this.  Tonight Chad and I went to the Temple and did sealings.  It recomfimed to me that I am making the right decision.  Heavenly Father has guided me every step of the way, I have had him involved with every decision.  I never make a big decision without the help and guidance of my Heavenly Father.  I am blessed to feel his presence and am grateful for his love.  I know I am doing His Will. I am grateful for a loving husband who stands by my side and who is "One" with me.  I love him.  He is wise and is faithful. I have been blessed with a strong, obedient, God fearing man by my side.  I am grateful that he is in these chapters of my life.  He makes me laugh every day.  I am so in love with him.  So here's to the next chapter.  I am scared.  I am nervous.  Having babies is all I have known for the past 16 years.  And I am forever grateful for the past 16 years.  It's time for me to begin the next chapter.  
 The Timpanogos Temple

Friday, September 20, 2013

Tricks of the Trade

I have been thinking about my life with twin boys and I have come to realize that I have learned some new and creative ways to parent.  While most of my friends are off exercising, going back to school, studying or doing the next great DIY project I am living in my days of mothering two two-year olds and a three year old while my six other children are at school. I am learning and discovering great "tricks" that keep this momma (somewhat) sane.  For example; this morning I discovered if I keep my bedroom cold enough when I get Chayce and Chandler up for their diaper change and chocolate milk they get chillled and want to snuggle under my covers and watch Bubble Guppies.  So that gives me at least an extra 20 minutes in my day until they warm up enough to come out and start playing/exploring/messing etc. My next discovery was today as I was leaving Costco.  I had my groceries loaded and was on my way home (in time to meet my preschooler) and decided to get my boys a kids meal from Chick Fil A. (It was Friday after all) .  I handed the boys their bag which at this point I had dumped the nuggets as well as the fries all in the bag and took out every thing else.  So all they had to do was reach in and pull out either a fry or a nugget (don't judge, I LOVE their nuggets), plus it cooled off the incredibly hot french fries in a jiffy.  I unloaded all my groceries while my boys sat in their carseats eating their lunch.  As they finished their bag of fried yumminess I gave them their chocolate milk that came with the kids meal.  That gave me enough time to put my groceries away.  (Granted it was a beautiful fall day, not at all hot and I left the doors to the car open so they were plenty cool.) When I got them out of their carseats and brought them into the house my Costco groceries were all put away without any extra help and my two darlings were full and happy from their lunch and ready for naptime.  It was almost magical. I have also learned that if you buy trucks for the boys make sure that even though the package of  trucks from Costco comes with 6 trucks (each getting 3) buy two packs of them.  BECAUSE there is only ONE tractor in this package.  And you must have two tractors to be happy.  Two boys+Two Tractors=Happy Momma!  See I am becoming so smart.  Another smart mom of twin boys tip...Buy lots of footie PJs and Safety pins.  Safety pins fasten nicely under the pull of the zipper when you zip up the jammies so they can not zip off the jammies and get naked and make messes and so forth.  When it is summertime and the temperature gets warmer here is the easy solution to footie jammies...cut off the footies and the long sleeves (yes they may look quite rediculous but I promise you, it  wont matter) but really, don't try to have them wear any other jammies because the zippers create much less mess in the long run, if you get my drift. (sometimes it's stinky!)    If you must put the boys in any other jammies besides the footie jammies make sure you have plenty of duct tape on hand.  And make sure when you are duct taping the diaper that you tape the entire waste of the diaper.  If not, they can pull off the the tape or get their partner in crime to assist them in pulling off the tape.  You may not discover this until morning...And let me tell you that you will have quite the "mess" on yours (and theirs) hands.
You are so welcome for these tips!  You may have already discovered them for yourselves if that is the case then shame on you for not sharing them with me,
Because I am thinking I am pretty brilliant.


Saturday, June 8, 2013

Mommy Crazy?

Wow, wow, wow!!  You know the debate, which is worse the terrible twos or the terrible threes?  Lets just say as a combination...its AWESOME!  Seriously to have two two year olds and a three year old is both challenging, not super fun all the time and unique!  No matter what, there is always someone screaming, someone mad because he didn't get to close the door first or find the wipes before the other one or maybe just maybe got the last cookie (Heaven Forbid, we must always have three cookies left or NO ONE gets a cookie!)  It is absolutely exhausting, frustrating, hilarious and amazing all at the same time.  Have I mentioned diapers?  Not only do I have three in diapers (I have had a kid in diapers for 15 years straight, never a break that's funny). I cannot keep my twin's diapers on. We have to duct tape them, put a onesie on backwards over the taped diaper and then clothes over that.  And 85% of the time they still get naked.  The other day I put them to bed for a nap.  An hour later they were still talking and laughing so I went in their room to see what was going on.  Not only did Chandler take off his soaked diaper but he managed to tear out the layer of the diaper that has the little crystals that absorb all liquid and threw those things all around the room.  It was every where.  So it wasn't like he peed on the floor it was like he peed on the ROOM!  We have gone through so much lysol that I should be getting a large discount from the company.  I have gone in their bedroom numerous time to find them both asleep, totally naked.  They have destroyed the blinds in their room, torn board books that we have had for 15 years that have lasted through 7 other children, to shreds.  I don't know what it is with twin boys, or maybe it's just my twin boys but they are partners in crime, so incredibly independant and they never cease to amaze.  I am grateful I had them last.  I think I have a lot more patience than I would have if they were my first.  I don't sweat the small stuff, it's just stuff. They make me laugh, a lot.   I love them to pieces!  They melt my heart. They love me, they love each other, they love their siblings.  They talk really well and are full of energy (I think we already established that).  They are like little parrots.  They copy everything I say and repeat it over and over, always  in the form of a question.  They love to say "Mommy Crazy?"over and over and over again.  All because I say "You make mommy crazy!"  When they are awake it is GAME ON!!  There is never a moment that you cannot know where they are.  They are busy and curious and nothing stops them or gets in their way.  They can climb, they can open and they love lotion.  The other day I came into my room to find Chayce covered in my Cetaphil cream, head to toe. And when he say me he said "Mommy, lotion? Lotion?" Because they always repeat things twice.  Never a dull moment.
  For FHE we built them a sandbox.  They love this sandbox.

 After dumping an entire container of salt out onto a cookie sheet.  They had fun with this for a long time. 

 Look who we found at Target?

 Basketball with Dad
(dad is amazing with his multi tasking skills, talking on the phone while shooting hoops)

 New hair cuts

 Chayce and Chandler climbing into the refridgerator and pulling out eggs.  

 I couldn't resist!

Reading to each other

Thursday, April 4, 2013

I get to hike

Where do I begin, I have gotten so far behind.  Why you ask?  I have two two year olds, a three year old and seven other children.  My brain is fried, my nerves are shot, my tummy is full, my smile is big, the tears are flowing and
 the laughter is booming. 

Chayce and Chandler turned two in January. So most of my days consists of sippy cups being drunk or being thrown at me, crackers being sucked on, chewed up and spitted out, poop in the shower, duct taping diapers,
kissing owies, chasing to get an object, usually a phone out of one of their hands, running down the sidewalk while they run faster ahead, seperating two (sometimes three) wrestlers, wiping marker off of  faces or walls, cutting up hot dogs and grapes, cuddling when they let me and breathing a sigh of relief when they are finally asleep.  Being willing and happy to do it all over again the next day.  My days are full.  My nights are restful.  I am grateful for the times they lay on my shoulder and allow me to stroke their heads.  I love these little guys.  I love all my little guys...all nine of them.  

Some days they make me crazy, on those days I am grateful I get to hike or walk.  Yes, I am blessed to be able to hike my beautful mountains once a week or walk down my favorite path.  I am grateful I have breaks and opportunities to catch my breath.  I have a wonderful husband who allows this and is always making time for me. This is my saving grace.  This is why I can do what I do. What a blessed life I have.  Days get crazy, busy, overwhelming but I know that I will get a break.  What an enormous blessing that is.  It makes it all okay.  It gives me the opportunity to sit back and count my many blessings, to feel human and to just breathe. 
 I am grateful for my life.

My house is too small.  My dryer is broke.  My kitchen water faucet only runs 50% and leaks.  My deck needs repaired.  My Max doesn't have a bed.  But I am happy.  I am grateful.  I get to laugh every single day.  I am healthy.  My kids are healthy.  My husband is wonderful and he has a job and he loves me.  I have friends, lots of really good friends.  I have a testimony of my Savior Jesus Christ.  I love life.  

Sometimes I feel sorry for myself.  Sometimes I look at others wishing I was them or I lived like them.  Sometimes I think I want to be something different. I wonder if I will ever not have three kids in diapers.  But then I think, "oh no, someday I won't have three kids in diapers." I remind myself daily, TIME AND SEASON and THIS TOO SHALL PASS and SOMEDAY IM GOING TO MISS THIS.  So I sit back, hold my babies and thank my Heavenly Father for all that he has sent me and trusted me to do on this earth.  I am one lucky lady.  
And I am grateful.  

Monday, January 21, 2013


Just had to throw in a quick funny...So we put the three little guys to bed.  And since there are no beds just mattresses in their room, they sleep pretty close to each other.  It had been only about 20 minutes since we put them to bed when we could hear three year old Nicholas yelling to us from his room.  "Mom, come here!" we then said "Nicholas, go to bed, it's time for sleep."  He then said "But mom, THAT baby just Threw up on THAT baby".  The joys of being a twin (or a sibling who shares a bed) ha ha ha.  Unfortunately the one that got thrown up on was in a dead sleep.  Oh the joys! 

Friday, January 18, 2013


Do you ever have days that are just...poop!  I look like poop, my hands constantly smell like poop, I have already just today by noon  changed 5 poopy diapers, so my house looks like poop and smells like poop. Days where there is Peanut Butter on your computer keyboard and your big behemoth of a car gets stuck on the ice that is about 4 inches thick on your driveway and when you do get it out it gets stuck in the elementary school parking lot and there they are again...the looks. "Not sure what to say but I am so happy I am not you, love you though".  I am feeling very overwhelmed thses days.  My house is shrinking and my kids are growing.  I am feeling like "the little old lady who lived in a shoe".  There is no where for big kids to go for privacy or little kids to go for naps.  I have no place for any "me time" and by that I mean to change my clothes and go potty.  I was told when I was in my youth that in times of feeling unappreatiated and overwhelmed to go and "count my blessings".  Sigh.  This is one of those times.  I know I have been blessed.  I continue to be blessed. I can't believe how much I have been blessed. But it's hard.  Life is hard.  Kids are hard.  Mothering is hard. But it's all good...really it is.  I pride myself on being positive and optimistic.  Just not today.  Today is a sad, feeling sorry for myself kind of day. A day with lots of tears for no reason. I am not sure what Heavenly Father plans for me or when.  But I do feel something really good is on the horizon...but good things are happening now, every day.  I am feeling unsettled and that usually means something is looming and it's up to me to open my heart, quit pouting and let it in.  Just not I am frumpy, dumpy and sad and that is going to have to be ok.  

Monday, January 14, 2013

Terrific Twos times Two!!!

Wow, I have a lot of catching up to do.  
These two little monkeys, crazies, stinkers, etc.have made me laugh, cry, laugh, cringe, sigh, gain weight, laugh, worry and have worn me out!!!  I love them.  They are sweet, funny, crazy, loving, cuddly, happy, mischievous, best friends and two of the funnest kids around.  There is not a day that I don't thank my Heavenly Father for the interesting life they have created for me, for our family.  

For Halloween I couldn't think of a better costume than 
Thing 1 and Thing 2 from the Dr. Seuss books.  I was the Cat in the Hat and Chad was the Grinch!  It was great, we got lots of laughs and funny comments.  Chayce and Chandler were pretty good sports about it.  Blue hair and all.

 I am getting braver at running errands with the three.  Nicholas, Chayce and Chandler love to GO!  We don't go very often but when we do it's fun for all!!
 Church continues to be an AWESOME experience.  Every week is different.  Some are better than others, but what is consistent is that they love to go!  They do enjoy nursery, just not at the beginning.  They cry every time for just a minute and then they love it!  

 Chayce is often found feeding Chandler.  They love Chips and Guacamole.
 Christmas was fun.  They hated Santa Clause.  Liked their toys and LOVED the candy.

 They both continue to torment their big brother Nicholas.  In fact for Nicholas' birthday we told him that he could have a morning with out his brothers.  We let him lock himself into his bedroom and play with his new toys.  The boys were not happy about this.  But Nicholas SO deserved the "alone time".
A big mile stone that happened was...NO MORE CRIB!  And no more bed for that matter.  We had to get rid of the cribs because the babies were crawling out of them and it became dangerous.  So now they have a room with just mattresses. All three boys share this room and it is a PARTY every night!  They lay next to their door and yell "mooommmmyyy or ddaaaaddddyyy" which echos through out the house.  Or they kick the walls, over and over and over again (while laughing hysterically.   It's awesome!!

But eventually they fall asleep...ahhh how cute!

 They recently celebrated their 2nd Birthday!  I can't believe how time has flown...most days.  Now I have Two Terrible Twos.  We love them and the "life and energy" they bring...most days.  

 I have come to realization that my "clean" house will have to wait, my exercise and weight loss will have to wait, my quiet and calm home will have to wait, my decorating dreams will have to wait...and it's all 
Worth the Wait!!

They both are talking so much more.  Words they say:
 Bye Bye
Thank you
Love you
CRAP (oops)
Uh Oh
Chayce, Syd, Tyler, Kalli, Rae Rae, Max. Ma Ma (Grandma), Daddy. Mommy. Tara, Stacey, 
night, night (which usually means they want milk)
Sometimes they will combine these words into sentences.  
They do lots and lots of giggling, laughing, wrestling, head stands, kisses, cuddles, loves, jumping, stomping and eating.  They LOVE Peanut Butter and Chandler LOVES anything sweet.  They really are sweet boys who are so happy!  They bring lots of joy and fun into our home.  So grateful for the last two years.  I can't even begin to imagine what the next years will bring.  BUT it will be AWESOME I am sure.