Well I talked to my Doctor and he wants me to limit my activities and take it easy. What does that mean? Which part of my day do I limit? Which activities of raising 7 children do I cut out or limit? I think I will limit all of the things I don't like to do...Clean bathrooms, go downstairs to do laundry? Yes, I think those are the things I will definitely limit.
Tuesday, August 31, 2010
Monday, August 30, 2010
It hurts...
Tonight I am worried. I was at the grocery store and I started having braxton hicks contractions, I guess that is what they were. They made me hurt and they were very uncomfortable. I am worried. I shouldn't be having these pains so early on. I have put myself to bed and plan on calling the Dr. tomorrow. Hopefully this is just part of the process. But it hurts!
Half Way
Well I am officially half way through this pregnancy. What? Only half way. I have been feeling great, I mean really, really great. Until yesterday, I felt gigantic and tight. You know when you don't think your ligaments can stretch any more but yet they keep stretching and pulling. Plus I just felt heavy, maybe it was because it was Sunday and Sunday's are tough, I really enjoy Sundays for the most part it is just that my 8 month old baby is so heavy (23 pounds) so between lugging him and feeling large it makes me really tired. I am feeling really large right now and Chad informed me that I only have 19 more Sundays to endure...ha ha ha I had to laugh, really 19, he says that as if that is the same as 3 Sundays left. People just look at me and I can read their minds "Wow, is she really due in January, she is already HUGE, how much bigger can she get?" And apparently I can and will get much bigger. Though Chad informed me that I have earned and deserve any surgery I desire after these babies come...Yes, I will follow through on that agreement, you better believe it!!!
I went and visited a friend yesterday who just had a sweet little beautiful baby girl just 9 days ago. This baby was perfect. I looked at this sweet little Anna and thought, "Oh my heck, I will have double this". It's over whelming. My friend was saying what a good baby she is though she does cry and have lots and lots of messy diapers. As she was saying these things I kept thinking to myself "times 2, times 2". I just have to laugh! I have to laugh just like my Doctor and his nurses laugh every time they see me. I am ok with that, I just laugh with them. I just keep thinking that I am so lucky to have these two little guys come at the end. I was the youngest in my family and always wished I had a buddy, someone to share clothes with, someone to share a room with, share friends with etc. Now I will have that with these two little guys, Chase and Chandler. I get really excited thinking about it, nervous but really excited.
Wednesday, August 25, 2010
Some Days...
Some days I am just so exhausted I can't even think. I can't even think about cleaning my house, or making dinner, or doing homework, or answering my door because I know it is another "friend" looking for a Kerby to play with. Some days I just cry because I don't know what else to do. Not because I am depressed or hurt just because I want to. Some days I am overwhelmed with my life, my responsibilities, my husband's responsibilities, the pressure I put on myself to just make it until tomorrow. Some days if another kid cries or screams or thinks that life is unfair it makes me want to scream and cry and think that life is unfair. But I cant. I am the mom. I love my kids, I love my life. Do my kids drive me crazy some days...You Bet! Do I drive them crazy some days...You better believe it. This is the life I choose. It's a good one. Some days it's a GREAT one!!
While Chad and I were dating and when we were first married we had somewhat of a motto. "The Future is Bright!" That is how we signed every letter to each other, any cute little note to each other ended in our motto. Some days I forget it. I need to remember it. Because we are so lucky and so blessed in so many ways...
"The Future is Bright!"
So we think we have two names that we love for these two little buddies. We are liking Chandler Reed and Chase Robert. What do you think?
While Chad and I were dating and when we were first married we had somewhat of a motto. "The Future is Bright!" That is how we signed every letter to each other, any cute little note to each other ended in our motto. Some days I forget it. I need to remember it. Because we are so lucky and so blessed in so many ways...
"The Future is Bright!"
So we think we have two names that we love for these two little buddies. We are liking Chandler Reed and Chase Robert. What do you think?
Tuesday, August 24, 2010
It's Official...
I just got back from my Dr.s appointment and we are having...BOYS! Yup, and they believe that they will be identical. (I guess the only true way to tell is by DNA testing) But because they are sharing one placenta and have such a thin membrane between the two of them they believe that they will be identical. So fun! I am really, really excited. It was so cool to be able to see them today, their cute little heads were right next to each other. Both babies are measuring the exact same weight and height. Baby A has a heart beat of 153 and Baby B has a heart beat of 150. Baby B looked like he was sucking his thumb...too cute! Both babies checked out great. Both have healthy four chamber hearts, their inners all looked great! Arms, legs and face looked great. I now start having ultra sound appointments every two weeks. That is so fun to be able to see them grow and wow are they growing fast. The tech said that this will probably be the last time that she can get them both on the screen at once because they are getting so big. I myself am measuring at 22 weeks if it was one baby. So I am measuring about 5 weeks bigger since their are two. Which is right on track. So now to think about names. We have an idea of what we want to name these two little buddies, what are your ideas??
Monday, August 23, 2010
Happy Days
Lately I have been feeling really good...almost too good. So of course I worry. I keep thinking that maybe I shouldn't feel so good, maybe I should be even bigger. Well tomorrow I go back into the Dr. for another ultra sound, yippee!! That always makes me happy and also helps my fears. We also should be able to tell if we have boys or girls in there for sure. My kids are so excited. I just hope everything is ok, I bet it is. Just nervous.
Monday, August 16, 2010
To cut or not to cut??
OK I go through this dilemma every time I am pregnant...Do I continue to grow out my hair or do I cut it? I know, I know not a big deal but I really like short hair, I have had short hair for so long and every time I am pregnant I think I need to grow it out to be able to pull it back. But is that very cute? If all you do with longer hair is pull it back? It is now long enough to pull back into a pony tail but when I have it down I hate it, it looks stringy to me. But if I cut it will my face look too big? Do I rough it out and keep growing it until it looks good or cut it like Aunt Bea in the Ramona and Beezus movie...Her hair is so dang cute and definitely gave me "Hair Envy". By the way this movie, Ramona and Beezus was one of the cutest I have seen in a long, long time...I highly recommend it!!
Sigh...not a big deal but definitely is on my mind because it's driving me CRAZY!!!!
Ginnifer Goodwin as Aunt Bea in Ramona and Beezus
Sigh...not a big deal but definitely is on my mind because it's driving me CRAZY!!!!

Wednesday, August 11, 2010
So this morning I got out of the shower and put on a skirt, a maternity skirt that I love to wear because it is so comfortable and big. Well guess what...It's not so big anymore. I mean it's not so big where I thought it would stay big, instead the big part is my rear end!!! It's getting bigger, I am spreading. :-( Seriously, I didn't think this would happen so soon, how in the world am I going to fit into any of my regular maternity clothes? I haven't gained any weight yet (that is only because I started off fat from my last pregnancy and never really lost much after that) but my maternity clothes are getting tighter, I am having to stretch them out already...sigh. I think I am going to have to invest in some Moo Moos from Hawaii. Right now is really not the time that I want to be buying more maternity clothes, it is the time that I am worrying about buying my kids school clothes. This is all too soon, I am not ready to be ginormous yet!
Ginormous here I come...
Ginormous here I come...
Friday, August 6, 2010
Getting Bigger
OK here you go! I had Chad take a picture of me tonight at 15 weeks pregnant. Now remember this is pregnancy #8, this tummy has had plenty of stretching going on and not a whole lot of getting it back into shape in between babies.
So yes I am 15 weeks (4 and 1/2 months)pregnant here, not 8 months pregnant like you all might think I look. I have a LONG way to go and I have the feeling that I will get much, much bigger.
Thursday, August 5, 2010
So Blessed
I haven't posted in a while mainly because I don't have much to post about. I am now about 15 weeks and am actually feeling pretty good. I don't get nearly as tired as I did and I am actually feeling quite energetic. Well at least compared to before. I can say that I am actively cleaning my house again. Well at least the main level, I try not to go down to the basement unless I absolutely have to.
I have to say that I am pretty overwhelmed at the kind words and deeds I have been receiving. It's amazing how thoughtful people are. I have received emails asking me what I am craving today, I have received grocery bags of treats. (thank you Robyn!) I have woken up to my door bell ringing and it being my friend and visiting teacher Lisa with a homemade breakfast smoothie and cinnamon roll for me. I recently received a package in the mail from my sister Tara. It was full of Organic meal replacement shakes (she knows that I am having a hard time getting the iron and protein I need daily) these actually taste really good, she also sent a container of Trader Joes Toasted flax seed natural peanut butter to mix with it. One morning I woke up to Cap n' Crunch cereal and sour water melons from the Maxwells just because we had been talking about them the day before. Yesterday I received a phone call at about 1:00pm from a sweet lady in my ward telling me not to make dinner tonight! Sis. LeBate and Sis. Fassbinder showed up at my house later that day with a huge dinner (it will feed us for at least three nights). Their instructions were for me to lay down and put my feet up instead of making dinner. They just wanted me to know how much they appreciate the Bishop's wife and all that she has on her plate. Wow...Seriously I am overwhelmed by the thoughtfulness of people. I know that someday I will be in the position to serve and do random acts of kindness for people outside of my home but right now where I can most serve is in my own home. And then to top it off I know that I have two healthy babies growing inside of me as well as a houseful of healthy energetic kids.
I feel so blessed, unbelievably blessed!
I have to say that I am pretty overwhelmed at the kind words and deeds I have been receiving. It's amazing how thoughtful people are. I have received emails asking me what I am craving today, I have received grocery bags of treats. (thank you Robyn!) I have woken up to my door bell ringing and it being my friend and visiting teacher Lisa with a homemade breakfast smoothie and cinnamon roll for me. I recently received a package in the mail from my sister Tara. It was full of Organic meal replacement shakes (she knows that I am having a hard time getting the iron and protein I need daily) these actually taste really good, she also sent a container of Trader Joes Toasted flax seed natural peanut butter to mix with it. One morning I woke up to Cap n' Crunch cereal and sour water melons from the Maxwells just because we had been talking about them the day before. Yesterday I received a phone call at about 1:00pm from a sweet lady in my ward telling me not to make dinner tonight! Sis. LeBate and Sis. Fassbinder showed up at my house later that day with a huge dinner (it will feed us for at least three nights). Their instructions were for me to lay down and put my feet up instead of making dinner. They just wanted me to know how much they appreciate the Bishop's wife and all that she has on her plate. Wow...Seriously I am overwhelmed by the thoughtfulness of people. I know that someday I will be in the position to serve and do random acts of kindness for people outside of my home but right now where I can most serve is in my own home. And then to top it off I know that I have two healthy babies growing inside of me as well as a houseful of healthy energetic kids.
I feel so blessed, unbelievably blessed!
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