Sunday, November 28, 2010

Feeling it...

Ok I think my good days are behind me. I am big, heavy and tired. I no longer feel like I am only pregnant but now I feel like there are actually two in there. I waddle and groan. It's not pretty. I am not pretty. I am feeling lots and lots of movement, sometimes I feel hiccups in odd places...don't ask. I feel like I ate a huge thanksgiving dinner every second of the day, you know that oh so full feeling, yes that is what I feel. My stomach keeps tightening up, not consistantly but it's uncomfortable. Sleeping is not fun. Walking is not fun. Standing is not fun. Eating is not fun. What is fun you ask??? Sitting and watching my cute kiddos playing in the snow together, that is fun. Thinking about these two little boys coming to my family that is fun (scary) but fun. Sitting on the floor and letting my baby Nicholas climb all over me and giving me loves...That is Fun!!! Knowing that this too shall pass...That is fun! I am so sorry to complain, I really have so much to be grateful for. Just thought I would keep it real for a moment.
Life is Good!

Wednesday, November 24, 2010

30 weeks and counting

Nicholas hanging on to my belly, obviously wanting me to pick him up. My belly looks a little funny, kind of like a shelf. Looking at this picture kind of freaks me out, how in the world am I going to manage this amazing little guy as well as two newborns??

Yesterday I had another doctor's appointment. He is so pleased and a little surprised at how well I am doing. I feel really good, no contractions and still busy on my feet. He measured my ever growing belly and said that I am measuring as if I am 37 weeks with a single baby. So since I have two babies and am 30 weeks I guess I am pretty much measuring right on. He also listened to the heart beats and they both sounded great. My next appointment I get to have an ultra sound. I love those days!

I have been getting a little more stressed with the holidays coming and all that I have to prepare for. Besides Christmas for seven children I have two babies coming two weeks later...YIKES! Though I do feel so blessed!!! We did go to Kid to Kid, which is a second hand children store and found another car seat. It's great! The condition is amazing, it doesn't even look used. The same car seat retails for $160.00 and I was able to get it for $34.99! I was thrilled. So now we just need to move Nicholas out of his car seat, which we will do as soon as he turns one...sniff sniff that makes me sad because he sleeps so well in it but he is just getting too heavy for me to carry him in it. We do have a few more purchases to make before the babies get here. I just hope I continue to feel this good until all of my preparations are complete
(will I ever be fully prepared???)

Happy Happy Thanksgiving to All!!!

Thursday, November 18, 2010

Feeling great!!!

I have had nothing to post for a while. My mom informed me that I needed to update my baby blog and my family blog. My camera has been in the shop for quite some time and I just got word that it is being shipped to me. Yeah!!! I miss my camera. So hopefully I will update more frequently especially my family blog since I don't take many picture of myself on this blog...You are welcome! But I think I will take one of me at 30 weeks (which is actually tomorrow) so probably 30 weeks and a couple of days.

I am feeling great! Seriously I feel really good. It is crazy. I keep thinking that this can't be right. I shouldn't feel so good. I am not swelling yet, I have energy, I am still sleeping at night (with the help of Tylenol PM of course). I keep thinking that I should be bigger (don't get me wrong I am quite big) and more miserable than I am. I love it! Really though I am one of those people who do like being pregnant. I like my hair, the way I feel and my clothes way better when I am pregnant than when I am not...I know strange. But since I am 30 weeks now I only have about six/seven weeks left. I can't believe it. I hope I continue to feel this great for the last few weeks. I really want to enjoy the holidays with my kids. I am feeling quite heavy and standing for any period of time is uncomfortable, but I am ok...really I am feeling really good. What I am NOT looking forward to is the after baby body...Yuck! I hate that time, when you feel so frumpy and yucky and your skin breaks out and you (me) has dark circles around my eyes and my hair looks gross because I forget how to do it. Not a pretty time for me, especially the whole weight loss part...I HATE constantly worrying about that! I am surrounded by skinny, in shape people who love to exercise and run (yuck on the running). Seriously I didn't know so many healthy enthusiast existed in one small area but they do and they are all in my ward/neighborhood, so it's hard to be the fat one. I know I will have my excuse of having twins but still it would be nice if there were a few like me around...surely there are people out there who still bake and enjoy their brownies. But on a happier note, I have only gained 15 pounds...woo hoo! That is great! Granted I started out heavier this pregnancy because it was so close to my other pregnancy but 15 pounds is great. If I can keep my weight down than hopefully that dreaded, awful time of loosing weight may come easier. (ya right, who am I kidding) Give me credit for wishful thinking. Any how I am going to enjoy these next few weeks and continue to get excited for the expansion of our family. Happy Happy Holidays!!!

Tuesday, November 9, 2010

Chuggin along...

Today I had another ultra sound. I love theses days. The Ultra sound techs tell me that my babies look perfect! Baby A is 2 pounds 14 oz and Baby B is 2 pounds 13 oz. so almost three pounds each...that is great! They both look great, Baby A is breech right now so we do need him to turn around and head south here pretty soon. The goal is to get through the holidays and not deliver until January. My next ultrasound is in four weeks and my next doctor appointment is in two weeks. Then we will be seeing each other every week to make sure I do not start preterm labor. I can't believe how quickly time is flying.

On my way home from the doctor's today I did stop by Kohls and found two baby blankets that were too cute. They were my first twin baby purchase. Well unless you count the monster of a vehicle we just got over the weekend. Yup, we finally did it. We got the 12 passenger van we have talked about getting for years. Only I didn't think we actually would get one but the time has come and since we will be a family of 11 the van was a must. My kids love it and have affectionately named her "Rosey". It is nice to finally feel responsible for each child having their very own seat and seat belt. I imagine that we will have many wonderful family memories in this van and we are all so excited for our first road trip, hopefully in the spring. "Rosey"

Time is winding down, I still have a few weeks ahead of me but I am closing in. It's exciting, emotional and nerve wracking. I can't help but get teary eyed thinking of these two little guys waiting to join the crazy family that awaits them. We are all so excited and even though I have a baby I am more than over joyed to bring two more home. It's strange but I am already feeling like they are here. Their presence is already felt in a strange way, it will just be a natural welcome for them to come home, like they have been missing and now they are where they are supposed to be.
Now if we can figure out where everyone is going to sleep that would be awesome!
Life is Good!

Thursday, November 4, 2010

What a day...

Yesterday as I was driving I suddenly felt a sharp pain go from my right side down to my toes. I had never felt this before. The rest of the day the pain never really went away. Last night I took my two tylenol pm's and tried to relax and go to sleep. The pain kept getting worse and worse. I was up most of the night with a full belly contraction that just wouldn't let up...I was miserable! As soon as I could I called my doctor to let him know what was going on, he informed me that I needed to see him right away. Thankfully Max was at preschool and my mom was home and more than willing to watch Nicholas (my mom has been so much help, I am really grateful she is close by). I made the 50 minute drive to the hospital and sure enough my contractions were about 6 minutes apart consistently and my belly was so sore, it felt like I had been punched and kicked and was now bruised. He checked me and luckily I was not dilating yet. The labor and delivery nurses put me on monitors, which is extremely tricky with two heart beats. What the doctor thinks happened is that yesterday I pulled a muscle in my belly (the bruised feeling and the pain I felt while driving) and for some reason that sent me into contractions. They gave me medication to stop the contractions, a steroid shot to boost the babies lungs (I have to get another one tomorrow) just in case I do deliver early, another pill for an infection that was starting and a whole lot of monitoring. He wondered why I waited all through the night to come in, well who knew that driving a car could pull a muscle (does that tell you what kind of shape I am in) which could start contractions. Crazy. So he sent me home after a few hours and made me promise to lie down and be on bedrest until I see him tomorrow. On a side note can I just tell you what an amazing husband I have...Chad has had so much on his plate and yet he just comes home sends me to bed and takes over as mr. amazing dad!!! I love him and pray for him to have so much success. I know at some point our life will slow down and we will enjoy the "dull moments". I am just so happy that they were able to get my contractions to stop because we want these babies to stay in there at least for 7 more least!

Wednesday, November 3, 2010

Getting Organized...Not!!

Well now with the new twin clothes I have, I have had the desire to get myself organized. This is not happening as quickly as I would like. See we have every room in our home occupied and with that we have lots of dressers. Well not everyone's dresser is in their room. We have Max's dresser in Nicholas' room upstairs, Sydney's dresser is in where the computer is which is upstairs and both Max and Syd sleep down stairs with their brothers and sisters. And the babies...well their clothes are still in the boxes. My plan is to utilize every ounce of space in our home. So my friend lent me another dresser for a while to put the babies clothes in. So now I think the plan is to move Sydney's dresser downstairs in a little play area under our stairs and make her a "Syd the Kid" play/dressing room. Then eventually move Nicolas into the computer room and make that room his room. Then make Nicholas' room the babies room and Max's dresser will still be in there. Whew...I know that was a lot. So to move around and rotate all of the clothes doesn't seem that difficult right? Well it is harder than it seems, especially when Nicholas sleeps in the room that all of the rearranging needs to take place. He is still a morning and afternoon napper plus an early to bed goer. (love it, not complaining one bit).

But then...on top of trying to figure out our dressing and sleeping arrangements Nicholas became sick. I mean for a kid who sleeps so good he just wasn't. Chad and I went two nights with him up all night, one night we took turns sleeping. Chad was up with the baby from 11:00-2:30am and then I switched him and took the 2:30-6:00am shift. All he wanted to do was be held. That is not an easy task with a belly the size of mine. Though I loved it! Not that he was sick but that I could just snuggle with him and that is all he wanted. I knew he would feel better, that the ear infection would eventually go away but I did love that he wanted his mom to hold him. I love that!!! None of my other children have been snugglers like Nicholas is so I take advantage of these times. Now he is feeling better but he is still more cuddly than usual. I just hope he knows that he is loved and adored even when the other two babies come. I don't want him to grow up too fast, I truly take advantage of these times, I think with two more babies coming it has made me more aware of every sweet moment. I take the time to just play on the floor with him, make him giggle and just hold him. I absolutely adore this baby. As I have all of my babies, I am just more aware of all of the little things.

Sorry so random, just recording my thoughts. Next week I get another ultra sound and let me tell you I am sure enjoying the use of my handicap parking pass! It has made going to the store/doctors so much easier especially when I have to take the baby with me. Thanks to my doctor who could see my need!!! Happy November!!!