Today I spent the day at a swim meet watching my awesome nine year old swim his heart out. The only problem with the day is that it was HOT. Really really hot. I think I got over heated because all that I have wanted to do today is sleep. Chad was wanting to go to the movies with me but I fell asleep. I get so exhausted, this twin thing is like an "out of body" experience. That is the only way I can describe it. I am getting big, I mean really really big. My belly is already feeling so heavy and I have no muscle left to hold these babies. I may post pictures of me, I may not. I look gigantic and seeing yourself in pictures just makes you feel that much worse. But I have had a few requests and maybe if I post them you all will feel much better about yourselves. Maybe that will be my gift to you! Oh I am still so very sleepy, I think I will crawl back into my bed and try to sleep some more. G'Night!
Friday, July 30, 2010
Wednesday, July 28, 2010
My oh my!!
Wow! I am suddenly feeling a whole lot of anxiety. Not about the pregnancy so much right now, more about raising all of these kids.
How do I make sure that each one's emotional and physical needs are met? How do I make sure that each one feels like an individual, loved and appreciated in our family and not like a Herd of Cattle? How do I tackle homework, reading and daily emotions weather they be up or down? How do we take care of all of the financial needs; clothing, lessons, Jr. High and High school fees, after school activities, costumes/uniforms, activities, etc. How do I make sure that I am raising hard working, polite, respectful children who have a desire to serve others. How do I make sure that we have a lot of fun and create great memories to talk about throughout our lives? All of these have been weighing heavily on my mind lately. It is all so overwhelming.
I know that it takes a village to raise a child but what does it take to raise a village?
I have to step back and realize that my Heavenly Father is in charge and will help me, he has entrusted all of these children to me and Chad. We have to have faith in order to do this, there is no other way! It is still overwhelming, can I do this? Can I do this right? Can I have the family relationships that I have always desired for my children to have with one another? Oh wow, I am getting all tensed up just writing this down. I need to relax and take it one day at a time. (Definitely easier said than done)
A good thing is I am starting to have more energy. I have gone three days without a nap...not because I have not wanted one but because it has not been possible. And I feel ok. I will take ok.
How do I make sure that each one's emotional and physical needs are met? How do I make sure that each one feels like an individual, loved and appreciated in our family and not like a Herd of Cattle? How do I tackle homework, reading and daily emotions weather they be up or down? How do we take care of all of the financial needs; clothing, lessons, Jr. High and High school fees, after school activities, costumes/uniforms, activities, etc. How do I make sure that I am raising hard working, polite, respectful children who have a desire to serve others. How do I make sure that we have a lot of fun and create great memories to talk about throughout our lives? All of these have been weighing heavily on my mind lately. It is all so overwhelming.
I know that it takes a village to raise a child but what does it take to raise a village?
I have to step back and realize that my Heavenly Father is in charge and will help me, he has entrusted all of these children to me and Chad. We have to have faith in order to do this, there is no other way! It is still overwhelming, can I do this? Can I do this right? Can I have the family relationships that I have always desired for my children to have with one another? Oh wow, I am getting all tensed up just writing this down. I need to relax and take it one day at a time. (Definitely easier said than done)
A good thing is I am starting to have more energy. I have gone three days without a nap...not because I have not wanted one but because it has not been possible. And I feel ok. I will take ok.
Monday, July 26, 2010
Baby A Baby B
Today I had my Doctor's appointment. I had such a sick feeling inside of me all of the way there that something was wrong. I have been worrying since my last appointment. Not for any reason but my mind just worrying. This appointment went great! These two babies are looking healthy and strong. (It is amazing to compare this ultrasound picture to the one below, I can't believe how fast they are growing.) Both heartbeats are great and they have two arms and two legs each. It was so fun to see these two laying on top of each other. Like they are already wrestling buddies. I love that! The technician did check to see if they were girls or boys. She thinks that they are both boys and my doctor thinks that they are identical. We will have a better chance of knowing at our next appointment. But I am so relieved to know that they are healthy and strong. I asked him why I am SO EXHAUSTED from the time I wake up until I go to bed and then I don't sleep at night. He just said that carrying twins is a whole different ballgame, such a different experience. What a great experience this is. What a blessing to have two healthy babies and to know that the human body, MY human body has the ability to carry and care for these tiny little guys. It was fun to have Chad there to see the ultrasound, he was pretty blown away to see two babies moving. It was so cool!
Life is Good!
Sunday, July 25, 2010
Sunday, a day of rest?
Oh Sunday! Yes that is what day it is today. Sunday's are difficult for me. We have church at 9:00am and Chad serves as the Bishop in our ward. Which means he leaves the house at 6:30am and we don't see him at home until at least 2:00pm sometimes later. Getting the kids ready for church is interesting. I kind of have it down to a timed work of art. As long as I am showered by 7:30am than things can pretty much run smoothly...crazy but smooth.
The hardest part of church is Sacrament Meeting. I usually have Max on my lap who is a super anxious, high energy three year old who does not and will not sit still. His head bonks mine about 8 times and if I even thought about ironing my clothes before church at this point there is not a spot on me that isn't wrinkled. He sits on my lap and pushes on the bench in front of him squishing my poor belly. It's quite the experience. If he is good he is allowed to go and sit on his daddy's lap during the closing song. (lately even if he is not good he gets to go sit on his daddy's lap) Then there is sweet Nicholas who is my moose of a baby. He will be seven months this next week. He weighs 22 pounds. Usually he sleeps during this meeting but today...Nope! We have the sweetest young women who offer to take him to relieve me (I really wish they would offer to take Max) Today Nicholas did not get to sleep, he cried because all he wanted to do was to sleep in his car seat but sweet young women like to hold fat little babies. So I had to go and assist which meant Max followed me out as well. The meeting finally ended, it was a lovely meeting about the pioneers and Chad gave a great talk at the end (I am sure it was great...What I was able to catch of it was awesome!)
Since I am still not feeling very good, I don't eat, well I shouldn't say I don't eat I had some saltine crackers, two Tylenol and a sprite before I left for church. And all through the meeting I felt yucky, so tired and nauseated. So after it was over I came home, put the baby to bed and now I will attempt to put myself to bed, oh wait...the rest of my troop will be home in 40 minutes.
Hopefully a nap will come later.
Tomorrow I get to go back to my doctor and ask him all of the questions that have built up over the last month. Like am I really supposed to be THIS exhausted everyday, all day? I am hoping he will have a solution for me, like "go and eat 12 chocolate cupcakes and watch food network and then you will feel much better" We also get to see more pictures of these babies. Hopefully all will be well.
Life is Good!
The hardest part of church is Sacrament Meeting. I usually have Max on my lap who is a super anxious, high energy three year old who does not and will not sit still. His head bonks mine about 8 times and if I even thought about ironing my clothes before church at this point there is not a spot on me that isn't wrinkled. He sits on my lap and pushes on the bench in front of him squishing my poor belly. It's quite the experience. If he is good he is allowed to go and sit on his daddy's lap during the closing song. (lately even if he is not good he gets to go sit on his daddy's lap) Then there is sweet Nicholas who is my moose of a baby. He will be seven months this next week. He weighs 22 pounds. Usually he sleeps during this meeting but today...Nope! We have the sweetest young women who offer to take him to relieve me (I really wish they would offer to take Max) Today Nicholas did not get to sleep, he cried because all he wanted to do was to sleep in his car seat but sweet young women like to hold fat little babies. So I had to go and assist which meant Max followed me out as well. The meeting finally ended, it was a lovely meeting about the pioneers and Chad gave a great talk at the end (I am sure it was great...What I was able to catch of it was awesome!)
Since I am still not feeling very good, I don't eat, well I shouldn't say I don't eat I had some saltine crackers, two Tylenol and a sprite before I left for church. And all through the meeting I felt yucky, so tired and nauseated. So after it was over I came home, put the baby to bed and now I will attempt to put myself to bed, oh wait...the rest of my troop will be home in 40 minutes.
Hopefully a nap will come later.
Tomorrow I get to go back to my doctor and ask him all of the questions that have built up over the last month. Like am I really supposed to be THIS exhausted everyday, all day? I am hoping he will have a solution for me, like "go and eat 12 chocolate cupcakes and watch food network and then you will feel much better" We also get to see more pictures of these babies. Hopefully all will be well.
Life is Good!
Thursday, July 22, 2010
So so sleepy...
Oh my I don't know if I have ever been so so sleepy...all of the time. I am exhausted from the time I wake up until my nap and then after my nap I can't wait to get to bed! Today I took a FOUR hour nap. It was one of those naps where you wake up and close your eyes and it's an hour later and then doze back to sleep and then it's two hours later and then you doze some more. The only reason why I got up was because I could hear the baby crying and told myself "Get up and take care of your family, go and make them dinner". I came out of my room and Chad was very happy to see me, he decided to work from home this after noon to give me some rest, funny thing is he had no idea just how long that "rest" would be. He is so great and never complains. What a blessing he is. Oh I am so so sleepy...
Wednesday, July 21, 2010
10:00 and I am STARVING!!
Sorry all of posts seem to be based around food. But since that is all that I think about whether it be making me sick, not eating enough or cravings I feel like it is always on my mind. Tonight I was watching Food Network again...I seriously love that channel. And I started getting hungry, really really hungry. I had made a good dinner and ate a decent helping of it and I thought I would be done for the night. Well apparently Baby A and B thought otherwise. I usually get pretty hungry at night right before bed and can usually sleep it off but this was a panic hunger. MUST EAT NOW! But not anything will do...I wanted a brownie...a big fat one. So Chad being Mr. Wonderful again said, what else do you need me to get you if I run to the store? Oh thank you! So I gave him my list...Bakery brownie, sprite and saltine crackers (for the morning).
Then I get this call...They are out of brownies! All they have is Mint or Cream Cheese Brownies...Oh Yuck! I just want a delicious chocolate fudge brownie. So he begins searching the bakery area of the store "I could get you a donut, or a cookie or piece of cake" SIGH...None of those will do. "How about a homemade bakery chocolate muffin?" OK that sounded much better than anything with cream cheese or mint. SOLD! I love my man but I still really want a brownie!!!
Then I get this call...They are out of brownies! All they have is Mint or Cream Cheese Brownies...Oh Yuck! I just want a delicious chocolate fudge brownie. So he begins searching the bakery area of the store "I could get you a donut, or a cookie or piece of cake" SIGH...None of those will do. "How about a homemade bakery chocolate muffin?" OK that sounded much better than anything with cream cheese or mint. SOLD! I love my man but I still really want a brownie!!!
Tuesday, July 20, 2010
Too much of a good thing...

You know I was warned. I was warned more than once. I should know better. When I fall in love with a particular food item and eat it when ever possible especially when pregnant it will sooner or later make me sick. I have loved Rubios Gourmet Chicken Tacos (with no bacon). I have seriously loved them, today I took Raegan there for lunch and they made me sick! (Not Rubio's fault just my weird body's fault.) Yuck, if I never have another one that will be too soon at least while I am pregnant. Though the good news is I did not have to pay for it. I had a frequent diner punch card, if you eat there six times your seventh is free. So Raegan and I shared a free taco plate. It did not set well with me at all, though I did enjoy Raegan's company, that part was great! Sigh...Now for my nap, maybe I can sleep off this feeling of yuck I have.
Sweet Dreams!
Sweet Dreams!
Monday, July 19, 2010
It is hot outside and inside! I am sure all of my Arizona friends are saying "Oh cry me a river" since our 100 degree heat does not compare to their 120 degrees. But it is still hot. And I am a big fat lump. I want to do nothing. Plus I am getting a silly little summer cold. I worry about getting colds because of my Asthma, when I am pregnant and a cold settles in my chest I get really really sick. Last year when I was pregnant with Nicholas I ended up in the hospital for a week fighting my asthma...LAME! My poor kids, the last two summers (including this one) their mom hasn't been very fun, not fun at all!! Hopefully they won't remember. Luckily we have really great friends and neighbors who keep taking my kids to fun places...water parks, Lagoon, movies etc.
I am wondering if my iron is low, like really low. I am taking a prenatal vitamin every night with an additional Iron supplement but I am still so, so totally worthless. Thankfully I have a truly amazing husband who is awesome. He sees this wife of his who is worthless and steps it up and becomes both mom and dad. He is so busy but is really amazing...I am so blessed. Oh I am hoping that my energy returns soon.
I actually cooked again. Yesterday I made homemade french bread and today I made Green Chicken Enchiladas. Yes they are baby steps but at least they are steps. I am beginning to realize that if I am hungry and want something that I am going to have to make it myself. Yesterday after watching "The Next Food Network Star" on the Food Network (it is my very favorite channel) I wanted homemade Taquitos. Oh they looked so good but it was 11:00 at night and it really wasn't an option so today I decided to make them, well my chicken mixture ended up too soupy so they ended up having to be enchiladas instead. Probably much better for me since I won't be doing any frying but still not the same. Hmmm I wonder what I will crave tonight after watching Food Network?
I have a new personal goal. I am going to read the Book of Mormon cover to cover before the twins come. I haven't read it cover to cover in years. I usually just read a few verses here or a chapter there. So this will be a challenge for me but I need to do it. I am excited to do it.
Life Is Good!
I am wondering if my iron is low, like really low. I am taking a prenatal vitamin every night with an additional Iron supplement but I am still so, so totally worthless. Thankfully I have a truly amazing husband who is awesome. He sees this wife of his who is worthless and steps it up and becomes both mom and dad. He is so busy but is really amazing...I am so blessed. Oh I am hoping that my energy returns soon.
I actually cooked again. Yesterday I made homemade french bread and today I made Green Chicken Enchiladas. Yes they are baby steps but at least they are steps. I am beginning to realize that if I am hungry and want something that I am going to have to make it myself. Yesterday after watching "The Next Food Network Star" on the Food Network (it is my very favorite channel) I wanted homemade Taquitos. Oh they looked so good but it was 11:00 at night and it really wasn't an option so today I decided to make them, well my chicken mixture ended up too soupy so they ended up having to be enchiladas instead. Probably much better for me since I won't be doing any frying but still not the same. Hmmm I wonder what I will crave tonight after watching Food Network?
I have a new personal goal. I am going to read the Book of Mormon cover to cover before the twins come. I haven't read it cover to cover in years. I usually just read a few verses here or a chapter there. So this will be a challenge for me but I need to do it. I am excited to do it.
Life Is Good!
Saturday, July 17, 2010
Saturday is a Special day...
Saturday is a special day because it's the day Cassie actually cleaned! I am not sure what came over me but I suddenly got inspired and I mopped my kitchen floor, washed baseboards and doors, bleached lots of was amazing and so needed! So if anyone wants to come and see me hurry up and come because it won't stay this clean for very long!
I am hoping that that magic number of 12 really is magic. Since I am now 12 weeks and "they" say once you hit that 12 week point that things start looking up. Boy wouldn't that be nice...Let's keep our fingers crossed!
So I had a comment from a friend and she said that she wanted to hear how we found out we were having twins. So here is the story...
I thought that it was time for "that time" of the month and it just didn't come. I didn't keep track of the dates because I wasn't trying to get pregnant and so I really didn't know when to expect "Aunt Flo" to arrive. So I decided to take a pregnancy test just because it seemed like it had been a while. So I took it without telling Chad that I was even concerned because really I wasn't I figured that I am just kind of still irregular since I GAVE BIRTH JUST THREE MONTHS PRIOR!!! Well that pregnancy came back positive in 2.3 seconds and the lines were dark. I mean really really dark. I have taken many pregnancy tests in my day and I am always holding the results in the light to try and make out that thin little pale line. Not this time, I could have seen it in the dark...I WAS PREGNANT! I showed the test to Chad and he was thrilled...I was not surprised.
So a Doctor appointment was made for a few weeks later, mean while I kept getting bigger and bigger. Chad told me that there was no way I was going to be able to hide this pregnancy for very long. That my body was going right back into large pregnancy mode since IT HAD JUST BEEN THERE.
So the day for my appointment came, I still had not told anyone but by this time I was wearing maternity pants, capris and skirts. I just figured my body knew what to do and it was doing it but rather early. Well the doctor wanted to do an ultra sound to figure out my due date since I could not remember the day of my last period. So he brought in his little machine and began going over my belly. Well his face got a concerned look on it and so I watched it and the ultra sound machine. He showed me the heart beat and then his eyebrows became quite furrowed. I looked at the monitor and I could see something additional next to the one with a heart beat. I asked him "Um...what is that?" Dr. Hansen said "um give me a minute, I am not sure" I said "Is that another one?" and he said "Well, lets get you down to the ultra sound room and lets get a closer look" WHAT! A CLOSER LOOK AT WHAT?
So off I went to the Ultra sound room. They decided to do an internal ultra huh! Any how sure enough, the technician said..."Hmmm I think there is two in there, but let me make sure" Well now to find out why my Dr wouldn't give me a straight answer was because initially he was worried. He couldn't see any sac around the second baby. But with the internal machine they could see that there is one placenta and two sacs with two strong heart beats in them. Both beating at 163.
I walked back up to my doctors office, showed my results to Dr. Hansen. He hugged me...I cried...He wanted to know if I was going to be ok...I didn't think I had a choice...WOW TWO BABIES!!! I made him call Chad with the news, Chad almost fainted and had to pull his car over (he called him on his cell while he was driving) Chad thought he was kidding...NOPE, NO JOKE!
I then called my mom. She wasn't home, I called her cell phone, she was at the church helping with a funeral. I walked into the kitchen at the church and asked her to please come outside with me. I handed her the Ultra sound picture...Her response "What, you are not pregnant again are you?" I said "Mom, look a little closer" She examined the picture..."Oh my, is that two?" I said yes. She then said "I guess I should put my house up for sale and move away from you" Nice! That isn't exactly what I wanted to hear but I was not surprised. She of course was kidding. She was thrilled. She asked me if she could PLEASE call my sisters and tell them. I said sure. So she did.
I can't say that it has truly sunk in yet, it is starting too...if I could just see those two little heart beats again that would help, I was so in shock the first time. Well I hope I did not bore you with all of my details. It will be nice someday to remember exactly how I found out so thanks Heather for requesting "my story".
I am hoping that that magic number of 12 really is magic. Since I am now 12 weeks and "they" say once you hit that 12 week point that things start looking up. Boy wouldn't that be nice...Let's keep our fingers crossed!
So I had a comment from a friend and she said that she wanted to hear how we found out we were having twins. So here is the story...
I thought that it was time for "that time" of the month and it just didn't come. I didn't keep track of the dates because I wasn't trying to get pregnant and so I really didn't know when to expect "Aunt Flo" to arrive. So I decided to take a pregnancy test just because it seemed like it had been a while. So I took it without telling Chad that I was even concerned because really I wasn't I figured that I am just kind of still irregular since I GAVE BIRTH JUST THREE MONTHS PRIOR!!! Well that pregnancy came back positive in 2.3 seconds and the lines were dark. I mean really really dark. I have taken many pregnancy tests in my day and I am always holding the results in the light to try and make out that thin little pale line. Not this time, I could have seen it in the dark...I WAS PREGNANT! I showed the test to Chad and he was thrilled...I was not surprised.
So a Doctor appointment was made for a few weeks later, mean while I kept getting bigger and bigger. Chad told me that there was no way I was going to be able to hide this pregnancy for very long. That my body was going right back into large pregnancy mode since IT HAD JUST BEEN THERE.
So the day for my appointment came, I still had not told anyone but by this time I was wearing maternity pants, capris and skirts. I just figured my body knew what to do and it was doing it but rather early. Well the doctor wanted to do an ultra sound to figure out my due date since I could not remember the day of my last period. So he brought in his little machine and began going over my belly. Well his face got a concerned look on it and so I watched it and the ultra sound machine. He showed me the heart beat and then his eyebrows became quite furrowed. I looked at the monitor and I could see something additional next to the one with a heart beat. I asked him "Um...what is that?" Dr. Hansen said "um give me a minute, I am not sure" I said "Is that another one?" and he said "Well, lets get you down to the ultra sound room and lets get a closer look" WHAT! A CLOSER LOOK AT WHAT?
So off I went to the Ultra sound room. They decided to do an internal ultra huh! Any how sure enough, the technician said..."Hmmm I think there is two in there, but let me make sure" Well now to find out why my Dr wouldn't give me a straight answer was because initially he was worried. He couldn't see any sac around the second baby. But with the internal machine they could see that there is one placenta and two sacs with two strong heart beats in them. Both beating at 163.
I walked back up to my doctors office, showed my results to Dr. Hansen. He hugged me...I cried...He wanted to know if I was going to be ok...I didn't think I had a choice...WOW TWO BABIES!!! I made him call Chad with the news, Chad almost fainted and had to pull his car over (he called him on his cell while he was driving) Chad thought he was kidding...NOPE, NO JOKE!
I then called my mom. She wasn't home, I called her cell phone, she was at the church helping with a funeral. I walked into the kitchen at the church and asked her to please come outside with me. I handed her the Ultra sound picture...Her response "What, you are not pregnant again are you?" I said "Mom, look a little closer" She examined the picture..."Oh my, is that two?" I said yes. She then said "I guess I should put my house up for sale and move away from you" Nice! That isn't exactly what I wanted to hear but I was not surprised. She of course was kidding. She was thrilled. She asked me if she could PLEASE call my sisters and tell them. I said sure. So she did.
I can't say that it has truly sunk in yet, it is starting too...if I could just see those two little heart beats again that would help, I was so in shock the first time. Well I hope I did not bore you with all of my details. It will be nice someday to remember exactly how I found out so thanks Heather for requesting "my story".
Friday, July 16, 2010
Time to Eat...Again??
I know I said in my last post how worried I am. I still am. Funny little pains and cramps always make me wonder what is going on inside me. Oh I seriously can't wait for that ultra sound, I am making myself crazy!!!
In the mean time I am still trying to figure out what to eat. I usually start my morning with something very bland like toast. I have been one to only buy wheat bread but lately I can't even do the wheat. It is either a white piece of bread with just a little butter or a plain bagel. How boring. Then about an hour later I am starving. Sigh. Now what should I eat? I sometimes go for an apple or some fruit. Last night I made homemade salsa I got the recipe from HERE. I try to make homemade salsa every week because my kids love it as a snack with chips and I am very ok with that!!! Any time they can get vegis in them I love it! So for lunch we made Nachos. Not the healthiest option but none the less an option I could eat and with that homemade salsa I must say it was quite tasty! It actually tasted good. So just now again I began my starvation mode and thought, "I haven't had a bit of protein today." Not great for my energy or my growing babies, so I opted for a Chocolate Milkshake with skim milk and peanut butter. Another not so healthy choice but it too tasted quite delicious and gave me quite a bit of protein.
My sister in law Shellie just invited us over for a dinner of homemade tacos tonight...YEAH for Shellie!!! I don't have to cook and my kids don't have to complain of another night of cold cereal or bean burritos. (for the six days a week I don't cook) I used to cook every night and it was good food, not so much lately, it just isn't happening.
So today's meals are figured out, it is pretty pathetic that my day is measured by what I am going to eat's a big pain especially when you don't look forward to eating and are eating out of pure necessity. Wow I never would have thought those words would come out of my mouth. I was always the mom baking cookies and brownies every day so my kids and their friends would have delicious homemade goodness at their finger tips. NOPE...Not now any way, the thought of those treats or the little bit of effort that would be involved in actually making them just makes my stomach poor family...I just keep telling them
"this too shall pass!"
In the mean time I am still trying to figure out what to eat. I usually start my morning with something very bland like toast. I have been one to only buy wheat bread but lately I can't even do the wheat. It is either a white piece of bread with just a little butter or a plain bagel. How boring. Then about an hour later I am starving. Sigh. Now what should I eat? I sometimes go for an apple or some fruit. Last night I made homemade salsa I got the recipe from HERE. I try to make homemade salsa every week because my kids love it as a snack with chips and I am very ok with that!!! Any time they can get vegis in them I love it! So for lunch we made Nachos. Not the healthiest option but none the less an option I could eat and with that homemade salsa I must say it was quite tasty! It actually tasted good. So just now again I began my starvation mode and thought, "I haven't had a bit of protein today." Not great for my energy or my growing babies, so I opted for a Chocolate Milkshake with skim milk and peanut butter. Another not so healthy choice but it too tasted quite delicious and gave me quite a bit of protein.
My sister in law Shellie just invited us over for a dinner of homemade tacos tonight...YEAH for Shellie!!! I don't have to cook and my kids don't have to complain of another night of cold cereal or bean burritos. (for the six days a week I don't cook) I used to cook every night and it was good food, not so much lately, it just isn't happening.
So today's meals are figured out, it is pretty pathetic that my day is measured by what I am going to eat's a big pain especially when you don't look forward to eating and are eating out of pure necessity. Wow I never would have thought those words would come out of my mouth. I was always the mom baking cookies and brownies every day so my kids and their friends would have delicious homemade goodness at their finger tips. NOPE...Not now any way, the thought of those treats or the little bit of effort that would be involved in actually making them just makes my stomach poor family...I just keep telling them
"this too shall pass!"
Thursday, July 15, 2010
Here We Go...
Welcome to my new blog...8 is great 9 is fine!!! I am 12 weeks pregnant with twins. Chad and I always said that we wanted eight children. That is the number we always talked about and we knew that if Heavenly Father allowed us to, that is when our family would feel complete. We have a 6 month old right now, little Nicholas who couldn't be any sweeter or easy as a baby. So when I found out I was not only expecting so soon but that we were expecting twins I was in shock! As the news set in, I have become quite excited. Don't get me wrong I know that this is going to be hard work, extremely time consuming and probably really really draining. But if Heavenly Father feels I can handle it than I better step it up and be strong.
My kids are excited but are not loving the fact that mom takes a two hour nap every afternoon. My house has never been in such a mess with piles of everything needing attention. We have no routine. I am having to let go of quite a bit right now, I am exhausted. I am not too nauseated but I don't feel good either. The best way I can describe it is a medicine head type of feeling. Chad is awesome! I love him! He tries to relieve me of my "duties" as often as possible. Some afternoons he comes home to work from home to guarantee me a nap. He lets me sleep in as long as possible until he has to leave for work. He is so busy with work and church responsibilities I can only begin to image what he must be feeling. He is my strength and I am so blessed to have him in my life and be so involved with the raising of our children. Blessings, Blessings, Blessings!!!
I am anxious for my next Dr.s appointment, it's not until the 26th of this month, I will be getting another ultra sound as well. I am a worrier, so of course I am worried that something is wrong or will go wrong in fact I am probably driving Chad crazy with all my worrying. It will be nice to see these babies on the ultra sound to reassure me that all is well. I am already quite large, I feel like I am more like six months pregnant not three months. Apparently my body just jumped right back into pregnant mode.
So far I haven't had many specific cravings besides mainly pineapple and fresh fruit oh and snow peas always taste good. Occasionally a moist, Chocolate cupcake sounds good but that is usually only when I am watching "Cupcake Wars" on Food Network. It's more what doesn't sound good. I have a hard time eating enough (which in turn makes me sick). Most days nothing sounds good to me, breakfast is really hard. But when I am hungry I am STARVING. It's the strangest thing. Well off to bed to try and get some sleep. Hopefully my mind will be put to ease that all is well.
Sweet Dreams!
My kids are excited but are not loving the fact that mom takes a two hour nap every afternoon. My house has never been in such a mess with piles of everything needing attention. We have no routine. I am having to let go of quite a bit right now, I am exhausted. I am not too nauseated but I don't feel good either. The best way I can describe it is a medicine head type of feeling. Chad is awesome! I love him! He tries to relieve me of my "duties" as often as possible. Some afternoons he comes home to work from home to guarantee me a nap. He lets me sleep in as long as possible until he has to leave for work. He is so busy with work and church responsibilities I can only begin to image what he must be feeling. He is my strength and I am so blessed to have him in my life and be so involved with the raising of our children. Blessings, Blessings, Blessings!!!
I am anxious for my next Dr.s appointment, it's not until the 26th of this month, I will be getting another ultra sound as well. I am a worrier, so of course I am worried that something is wrong or will go wrong in fact I am probably driving Chad crazy with all my worrying. It will be nice to see these babies on the ultra sound to reassure me that all is well. I am already quite large, I feel like I am more like six months pregnant not three months. Apparently my body just jumped right back into pregnant mode.
So far I haven't had many specific cravings besides mainly pineapple and fresh fruit oh and snow peas always taste good. Occasionally a moist, Chocolate cupcake sounds good but that is usually only when I am watching "Cupcake Wars" on Food Network. It's more what doesn't sound good. I have a hard time eating enough (which in turn makes me sick). Most days nothing sounds good to me, breakfast is really hard. But when I am hungry I am STARVING. It's the strangest thing. Well off to bed to try and get some sleep. Hopefully my mind will be put to ease that all is well.
Sweet Dreams!
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